Vera Panova

Based on the novel of the same name by Vera Panova. Twenties of the XX century. The country lived in the mainstream of the “peaceful” revolution — a young life was raging, not knowing fatigue and compromises. Shura Sevastyanov is a beginner in a small newspaper, with two classes of a parish school. Following the spirit of building communism — an ardent fighter against philistinism in any of its manifestations. Having two loyal companions — Zoya the big and Zoya the little — a principled and unyielding Shura at one fine moment realized that he was in love with his "ideological adversary" — Zoya Bolshaya — beautiful and self-absorbed, dreaming of a completely different life than he was.


During the WWII, Olga and Sergey loved each other, but after the war ended Sergey did not want to bind himself with responsibilities of a married life and lied to Olga to make her believe that their marriage is impossible. Years passed by and they met accidentally at an airport.


In Leningrad, at the end of the White Nights, young and childishly naive Nina meets a young journalist Valery. She falls in love with that genuine first love, which is only possible when you're 19 years old. She does not suspect that for such an ambitious aesthetic as Valerik, this is just another episode in an endless celebration of life. The leitmotif of the film, which became a cultural landmark for several generations of people born in Leningrad - St. Petersburg, is the natural scenery of the beautiful city on the Neva river at the beginning of the sixties.


On a shore of a sea met a boy and a girl. The warm tender feeling grew between them and lit their short acquaintance. Then the boy left, and the girl gave birth to a son...


Leonid Pleshcheyev returned from the war blind. Unwillingly he became dependent. He drowns his grief in deep drunkenness, thereby torturing his wife Mariya and their son, teenager Lyonya. Maria finally decides to pick up her son and go to Altai, but the boy runs away and returns to his father. So, together, they eked out a miserable existence, until Grigoriy Shalagin, Pleshcheyev's longtime friend, return from the army. It was he who awakens in Leonid the faded self-esteem and pride of the soldier. Leaving pity aside, he helps him get back to work.


A story about the beginning of life. Having lost their parents early, Alyosha and Nadya were not left alone - the father’s friend and the people around them helped the children remain kind and open in this difficult world of adults ...


A boy from Leningrad has his world turned upside down by his parent's separation and World War II. He leaves town amidst the fighting and returns to find a friend in his step-brother. The war is seen through the eyes of children and told in flashback form. The film was a special prize winner at the Venice Film Festival.


On the outskirts of the provincial town, Yevdokim and Yevdokiya live, raising foster children. Yevdokim works at a factory, Yevdokiya is a housewife. The family seems to be safe and happy: the only trouble is that Yevdokiya cannot forget the love of her youth. This Yevdokim cannot stand and offers Yevdokiya freedom, while he will remain with the children. But all these contradictions are drowned in mutual love for children and for each other.


On the streets of the regional city, a cheerful holiday bustle reigns. The apartment of the Kupriyanovs is also noisy — friends of their youngest daughter Yulka are preparing for the New Year. The old driver Leonid Kupriyanov will not have to celebrate the holiday with his family, he should go on the next trip. Preparing for the New Year, none of the heroes imagined what dramatic events would fall on them, how difficult and unexpectedly the destinies of three families would intertwine, how difficult it would be to recover from their experiences ...


Based on the Vera Panova book about a complicated relationship between an 8-year-old boy and his new stepfather.
