Vera Rudi

Archaeologist Sigurd Svendsen discovers that the Oseberg ship hides a secret from the Viking Age. Along with his two children put Sigurd out on a quest to find the truth. The mystery leads them into "No Man's Land" between Norway and Russia where no man traveling in modern times. Old runes take on new meaning when the secret they uncover is more frightening than anyone could have imagined.


A strong, human tale about a boy growing up with an alcoholic father, but also an energetic story about teenage lust, pain and passion – about liberation and redemption.


13 year old kind-hearted Sonja arrives at a tiny village together with a company of bandits. But there is a curse on the village. A long time ago, the King’s only daughter Goldhair disappeared while searching for the Christmas Star. The Queen died of a broken heart, leaving the shattered King all on his own. From that day on, the King cursed the Christmas Star, thereby causing darkness and grief to descend upon the land. However, an old sage has revealed that Goldhair is still alive, and will return only if the King finds the way back to the Christmas Star. Ever since, the King has been searching for the Christmas Star every Christmas, but all in vain.


Tyven, Tyven ("Hold My Heart") follows the tense relationship between a father and his young daughter. The father, Harald, has divorced Cecilie, his wife, after an ugly breakup which involved accusations of spousal abuse and child molesting. Furious, Harald kidnaps his 7-year-old daughter, Lisa, who he has been forbidden any contact with. Over the course of a few days, the father and daughter grow closer. The police, meanwhile, have organized a manhunt for Harald, and only one policewoman believes he is not a dangerous man.
