Viacheslav Kryshtofovych

As a Russian gangster and music producer, Dennis had it all, but everything unravels after his wife commits suicide. He funded his wife's music career with borrowed money from the mafia, but when they come to collect after her funeral, he cannot pay. After discovering unsent love letters written by his wife to a monk named Aleksis, Dennis flees to the countryside to escape the gangsters and set things straight. The problem is, Aleksis took a vow of silence at a monastery after his wife and daughter left him and doesn’t know his wife remarried. With the mafia breathing down their necks, Dennis is determined to tell Aleksis everything, and everyone involved faces hard choices and sacrifices for the ones they love.


Writer Dmitry Rodionov detective stories work out easily. Could he have thought that such a thing would happen to him?

Tolla is an unemployed translator whose wife is leaving him. Despondent and weak, he submits to the suggestion of an acquaintance to have a contract placed on the man that his wife is seeing. Instead, however, he arranges for the hit to be placed on himself. Before the contract is executed, he develops a relationship with a prostitute, and then changes his mind. In order to survive he takes the obvious course of action, which turns out to have possibly been unnecessary, and then he must deal with the guilt.


The film is based on the story of Anatoly Kurchatkin "House of Women". A tragicomedy about four women of three generations who lives in a tiny Moscow apartment: a sick grandmother, constantly requiring attention; a mother, very peculiar woman, who still hoping to somehow arrange her personal life; and two daughters, each of whom has a lot of problems.


A strange combination of circumstances leads the forty-year-old engineer Igor into the hall of the old cinema, where the film session has already begun. The main character of the picture is the poet Belov, the same romantic loser, disappointed in himself and in everything - surprisingly similar to him. Moreover, Igor soon realizes that he is looking from the side at his own life. What is happening on the screen becomes a shock and revelation for him. In the dark hall of the mysterious cinema, fate gives Igor the only chance to start all over again.


A lonely woman, who is desperately tired of her lonesome, posts a message that she wishes to meet someone. A man answers this message, who seems to have nothing in common with the woman. But...


Drama on the novel of the same name L. N. Tolstoy. Two hussars - father and son - two morals, two worldviews. And although older Turbin frivolous in love, but reliable in friendship and principled in matters of honor. Junior Turbines do not stand up to comparison with his father - he is calculating, shallow and selfish "hussars of the new generation".