Vibeke Hastrup

A single mom arrives at her ex-husband's house to celebrate Christmas Eve with their 6year-old-daughter and her new family, but things quickly escalate for the worse.

Insurance broker Max's life is about one thing - keeping his walnut brain tumour in check. He eats properly, exercises and lives properly, but all of this self-consciousness makes him more and more depressed. When he realises that his beloved wife plans to leave him, he decides to take his own life.


Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. A frightening discovery is made in an old apartment. The subsequent investigation of Department Q members leads them to an infamous institution for girls that was suddenly closed in the early sixties.


Newlyweds Lisa and Jacob leave for their honeymoon somewhere in the Danish countryside. Their love and faith for each other will soon turn into bitterness and fear.


Year 2095. The world is ravaged by ecological disaster. Oceans have risen and all natural freshwater is gone. Fang Rung has undergone molecular fission in order to send his other half, code name Gordon Thomas, back in time to the year 2017. Gordon goes in search of scientist Mona Lindkvist whose ground-breaking research was lost before it could save the world. When Fang Rung loses contact with Gordon he sees no alternative but to travel back to 2017 himself trying to locate his other half before the world's balances are irreparably damaged. It's a race against time for Fang Rung to save himself and the world.


When Rasmus meets Marie, he is certain that she is the love of his life. However, it doesn't take long before it turns out she is a possessive and manipulative being, that cunningly dissects Rasmus to pieces.


Rosa despises all the lies and faking among adults. But at her confirmation party, she realises that the truth can be even worse.

The drama chronicles the affair between Inger, a young Danish woman from Copenhagen, and Kwame, an illegal immigrant from Ghana, that she meets while volunteering at a homeless shelter. Despite their cultural differences, and the disapproval of Inger’s own mother, the two quickly develop a strong bond and move in together. Everything seems perfect and serendipitous, but then Inger discovers a devastating secret that Kwame has kept hidden.


Deployed on mission in Helmand, Afghanistan, 25-year old Thomas steps on a landmine and loses both his legs. At the local rehabilitation center, he meets Sofie, an ascending ballerina from the Royal Danish Ballet, who is helping a relative to regain strength after a long term sickness. Thomas desperately wants back in the field and gets impatient as progress does not emerge as fast as he wants to. When Sofie offers to help him with a more intense rehabilitation plan, he accepts. Despite their differences, they develop a special bond and a mutual affection.


This time our already familiar family moves to Africa in order to save endangered wildlife.


Overwhelmed and extra-sensitive, Katrine has a hard time coping when her more relaxed boyfriend, Andreas, takes a business trip just days after the birth of their first child. The fussy baby has difficulty breastfeeding, and vulnerable, insecure Katrine feels like a failure. When Katrine’s emotionally withholding mother Lise consents to stay for a few days, the two quickly fall into what are clearly familiar dysfunctional behavior patterns.


Martin Vinge, former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85 year-old N.F. Sieger, S.E.O. of Denmark's largest shipping company and oil empire. Sieger hires Martin to find an alternative heir to the firm instead of his son, Daniel Sieger, who for a long time has been destined to take the company into the next era. Martin starts coming up with suitable names for the position, but discovers that he has actually been entangled in a larger impenetrable power game aimed at deciding what is really going to happen to the company; a brutal power struggle that puts an intense pressure on Martin and his private life and relationships.


Danish journalist Rikke Lyngvig is taken hostage in Afghanistan by a terror group. With help from one of the terrorists, the young Nazir, Rikke manages to escape. On her return, she is soon declared the Danish Jessica Lynch and her career is launched into the spotlight. All the while Nazir flees from Afghanistan, heading for Denmark. When he finally seeks out Rikke, she is shocked and torn. Is she willing to help the man who threatened to kill her, and to jeopardize her new-found career? Their tumultuous encounter turns into an ill-fated confrontation with their own demons and a nation driven by a hunger for sensation and political populism.


Mogens and his wife Bitten are spending time in their summerhouse. Their beloved daughter, who has recently been left by her husband and is now alone with a newborn baby, is visiting. The family needs a quiet day together, but when their friends, Janne and husband Steen, show up a day early for a planned Midsummer Night's dinner, things start to snowball out of control - in particular for Bitten the perfectionist and for Mogens who is racked by guilt; Mogens has had an affair with Janne, who does not accept his decision to end it. As the evening progresses, Janne pushes them all into a psychological game, in which not only Mogens' marriage is at stake but also his relationship to his daughter Kira.


When Thomas´ sister dies in an accident, he discovers that her death may be connected to their deceased father´s work in military intelligence. As Thomas embarks on an investigation he soon finds himself and his family under surveillance by an unknown group of people.


6th Grade gets a new substitute teacher. She wants to train the class for an international competition in Paris. But something isn't right. How is she able read kids' minds? Why is she so mean? And how does she manage to convince everyone's parents she is so great when the whole class knows she is really an alien?


A college professor abandons his family and his career in order to champion his mistress, a student radical accused of killing a policeman.


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At age 12, Lasse is a tough guy and a bright one. His life is changed when his mother, pregnant at the time, abandons his beloved father. She takes Lasse with her to live with her new paramour, a dentist as authoritarian as Lasse's Elvis Presley-fan butcher dad was easy-going. The dentist has a daughter, too, and she is a jealous schemer. Lasse tries hard to conform, but can a tiger change its stripes?


Four Danish kids find a cookie jar filled with cash while playing in the woods. They decide to keep the money, at least until a reward is offered. But the crooks want "their" money back and will do whatever necessary to accomplish this.


Maria grows up in a seedy 1960s working class neighborhood, the daughter of an ambitious emigrant father and soon caught up in her own dangerously one track-minded pursuit of a violinist's career. A rich gallery of highly original characters contribute, for better and for worse, to Maria's coming of age. Based on Kirsten Thorup's critically acclaimed 1982 novel, filmed by Morten Arnfred.


A new foreman, Huus, arrives in a sleepy Danish village, much to the delight of the unmarried women there. However, Huus becomes very friendly with Katinka and her husband, Bai, the stationmaster. Katinka, childless and in frail health, gradually falls in love with Huus, though her husband does not seem to notice. Based on the work by Herman Bang.


A French housekeeper with a mysterious past brings quiet revolution in the form of one exquisite meal to a circle of starkly pious villagers in late 19th century Denmark.


Based on Bjarne Reuter's 1975 juvenile novel, even broader comedy strokes are employed in the film version, but bright spark Bertram is still at the center of things when a nice but dubious uncle (he has a criminal record) takes all the kids of a working class family, hit with bad luck, away on an outing. A plot is cooked up to kidnap some rich kid. It works at first, but soon things get out of control.
