Vicenç Altaió

Portraying the last days in the life of philosopher Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), whose writings such as The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction have become of seminal importance in cultural criticism, Ferraro not only deals with a historical and philosophically fascinating subject, but has also crafted a landscape film of immense beauty.


August 1715. After going for a walk, Louis XIV feels a pain in his leg. The next days, the king keeps fulfilling his duties and obligations, but his sleep is troubled and he has a serious fever. He barely eats and weakens increasingly. This is the start of the slow agony of the greatest king of France, surrounded by his relatives and doctors.


Famous lover Casanova (Vicenç Altaió), now long past his prime, meets Count Dracula (Eliseu Huertas) during a journey to Transylvania.
