Víctor Alcocer

Young man grows up thinking that his father's murderer is dead but wanting revenge against the guys who hired him to commit that crime.

Unhappy about his daughter's choice of boyfriends, a wealthy big-wheel arranges to have the young man arrested for cocaine trafficking and continues pulling strings after his arrested, tried and incarcerated.


Live action feature based on the Mexican comic about the exploits of a witch living in the outskirts of 'Bondojia', when a ruthless small time politician tries to steal their land in order to build a luxurious condo.


Charrito is the villain actor in a movie, which is filmed in a town, that only produces headaches to the director, for being extremely distracted


Lucerito is a Spanish star who has come to Mexico, accompanied by her godfather and her agent, to find work. Rosario is from upper class society and has grown tired of the demands made upon her by her family. When they meet each other in a Mexican hotel, they discover that they could be each other's identical twin and decide to change places.


Semi-employed street musician butts heads with his wife and grown(ish) children because of his irresponsible lifestyle. Then he lucks into a cushy government job.


Folksy, down-to-earth priest is willing to bend the rules & cheat a little, for the well-being of his parishioners. By the end of the movie, he's reformed the alcoholic, restored the foundling boy to his family, match-made the eligible youngfolks together AND saved his orphanage from foreclosure.


Practical-joking bromance between two motorcycle cops, designed as a next-gen sequel to A Toda Maquina (1953).


Old man kills his alleged best friend over the title to a piece of land. The adult sons of the two old guys get involved in looking for the murderer.

Traumatized child grows up to commit serial murders, targeting men and women who look like his mom and her boyfriends.

Three greedy relatives scheme for an inheritance and frame the good guy for the murder of the maker of the will.


That cartel guy wants to buy the Terraza family's ranch, but they don't want to sell. Can they hold out till their tough-guy older brother comes home to take charge of this situation?

After seeing their parents killed by an evil land-baron, three young girls escape to the protection of a highly ethical outlaw. Ten years later...


Comatose little village gets rich overnight selling minerals to arms manufacturers.

After her family all are killed in a home invasion, young woman moves to the city, gets involved with a high-level drug-smuggling tycoon. And also a taxi driver.


Town is preparing for their big annual festival, and there's a dead dog lying in the middle of the park. Bureaucracy is paralyzed because no-one can agree what department of CityGov is responsible for removing it.


Delivery boy for a liquor store hires on as new gun in a drug cartel.... but he's also on the police force's payroll..

Roving gambler teams up with a small-town priest to break the bank at a local casino that's sucking the townspeople dry.


Vlad II also known as Vlad Dracul or Vlad the Dragon (before 1395 – November 1447), was ..... Vlad's eldest sons, Mircea and Vlad Dracula, were first mentioned in a charter of Vlad on 20 January 1437. Mircea was born in about 1428, Vlad …


Young man becomes a professional gambler to track down the cardshark that killed his father in a poker game.

Two young men visiting their hometown for a family celebration get caught up in another family's drama, including an honor killing and a lynching.

Widow becomes professional singer to meet expenses. Love complications come along with the territory.

After one is arrested - possibly unjustly - for murder, the lives of two brothers spiral out of control.


Zorro-type horseman with occult powers faces off against all metaphysical evils.


Boy sees his family murdered in Texas returns to Mexico. Grown up, he goes back to Texas to avenge his parents.

A satirical comedy, homage of the american films noir of the fifties. It stars Alejandro Parodi as Miguelito, a gray policeman (the dumbest of a quartet of partners who take advantage of the drug traffic in Mexico City; maybe the less corrupt of the group and surely the one with the kindest heart), addicted to Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer novels, who accepts to go to jail to protect his pals and to calm down the angry Chief of Police, who wants to put an end to the drug dealings and killings in the city.


Housebreaker/general all-round spiv gets in over his head dealing with some crooked cops.


Remake of Pueblerina (1949). Convict is released from prison and tries to pick up his life-farm-girlfriend where he left off with them. But there are obstacles.


A man murders the person who killed his wife, so he flees to Central America, where he finds love again.

Journalist digs into the workings of a smuggling outfit led by a bigamist who's living under two names in different cities. Meanwhile, a rival gang is moving in on their action.,


Based on a true story in the American owned Cananea mine. It depicts how the owner profits while the Mexican workers struggle to survive and are exploited for their labour.


A Mexican indian from Xochimilco has clairvoyant powers and is able to predict the future when the sight of some features of a beautiful woman gets him into a trance. A greedy urban playboy notices and tries to profit from the indian's power by supplying enough female beauty to look at. But then things go wrong.


Young heroin addict dies in the pursuit of his calling, and his brother goes on a vendetta against the narco gang that supplied his drugs.


Wounded bank robber and his accomplice hole up at an out-of-the-way farm while his gunshot heals. The able-bodied one tries to renounce his outlaw lifestyle, but the cards are stacked against him.


Juan returns home to Mexico after working in the USA for awhile, and gets caught up in cowboy problems among his townsfolk.


Card-shark risks getting caught cheating. Safe in his home town, he may turn over a new leaf... but his previous victims are still looking for him.

Mexico's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1976.


Highly convoluted Mexican concoction involving the titular 'Devil's Horse' and a violent son brought back to life, courtesy of the aforementioned Devil who begins straight away to be even more violent then before, this time extending his violence to women and animals.


Two street gangs vie for primacy, which will give them control of drug smuggling and stolen jewelry.


Cowboy-justice dude has to figure out who the masterminds are behind a string of murders.

Businessman hires a stand-in to pass as the father of his mistress' children.


Tacos al carbón is a mexican movie released on june 8th 1972 on Mexico City.


Anthology movie -- three anecdotes relating to liberated, post-sixties, sexual behavior. Swinging couples, hippie-style free-love, etc...


A beautiful gypsy named Yesenia has no set path in life. During a caravan trip she meets Osvaldo who is enrolled in the militia, they both fall in love despite their differences and social prejudices.


Mario Moreno portrays a professor in this movie. A small town in the middle of no where requests the school Mario Moreno is working in for a teacher. He ends up going to give the town a hand. When he arrives he comes to know the corrupt leaders who through out the movie try to make him leave. Although he is being harassed you can see how much he cares for the kids and their circumstances. He deals with problems by using his hilarious comments.


Western revenge drama.


A sharecropper and his daughter, a swarthy beauty, flee from the hacienda on which they live and join the Mexican Revolution.


Young factory worker becomes apprentice to an alchemist, and he ends up going to the moon to repair equipment belonging to The Three Fates.


Smooth-talking ladies' man runs an employment agency for call girls masquerading as language tutors.


Farm-girl, seduced and abandoned, goes to the big city to have her baby and live out her shameful soiled disgrace away from her birth people.

Pony Express mailman in old west discovers super-powered chiles, gets tangled up with bank robbers.


Federal-agent/cowboy battles crime

International playboys in NYC get mixed up with a bank robbery and have to evade the police long enough to reach Mexico. long the way, they pick up an orphan boy who says he's running away from an abusive stepfather. Fourth in a series of four.

Shoplifter evades police by joining a monastery.


A priest is dismissed from his parish, so he decides to open a halfway house to rehabilitate sex workers.


Self-hating mixed-race woman denies her African heritage.

A lawyer trying to fix everyone's problems, instead causes problems, which always end up in funny situations.


Idealistic young teacher takes a post in a small, backwoods town and dedicates her life to schooling the village's children.


Mil Mascaras investigates a nest of fifth-columnists operating out of a carnival (!) led by a Nazi (John Carradine) attempting to resurrect the Third Reich posing as a circus clown .


A summit meeting of rival gangs, one predominantly Italian and the other a mix of Polish, Irish, and Italian mobsters, fails to resolve their differences, and gang war breaks out.

"Demons on Wheels". A gang of bikers terrorize a town and its inhabitants who can not do anything to prevent it.

A group of beautiful female vampires lure men to their estate so they can feed on their blood.


Lopitos, who is horribly inefficient but quick-witted, is invited (because of the current ambassador's superstition about 13 sitting down to a meal) to a banquet attended by the ambassadors of both superpowers. After the news of a series of coups d'état in Los Cocos arrives throughout the meal, Lopitos becomes the official ambassador. At a summit of world leaders, the representatives of the two world superpowers court the allegiances of third-world diplomats to tilt the balance of global power in their favor. The last diplomat to remain unaligned, Lopitos instead harangues the superpowers for infringing on the rights of developing countries to self determination, talking to them with his point of view as a citizen not as ambassador because he arranged his demise as ambassador one day before his speech.


From the hill of Tepeyac arise the most extraordinary miracles.

Yaqui Indian fights for justice in Northern Mexico. Adaptation of popular comic-book, first in series.

The story of The Last Hours of Jesus Christ.


Western sheriff's black-sheep son becomes responsible for keeping order in town while his father is recovering from a gunshot.

Mexican revolution comedy.


El Cachorro is falsely accused of two murders; right after he's arrested flor those crimes, another murder is committed and he has to clear himself of that accusation. We never find out what happened about the first two deaths.

Quick-drawing cowboy hero, first in series. (See also:Frontera sin ley.)

Federal agent infiltrates smuggling gang in seaport.


Drifter returns to his home town for revenge, but he get caught up in the town's interpersonal dramas.


Four amoral drifters team up to retrieve a cache of gold coins from its hiding place.


Quick-draw dude helps to protect a woman and her pa from predatory land-grabbing land-grabbers when they discover a silver mine on their ranch.

When criminals kidnap her brother and force her to secretly exchange their counterfeit dollars for real ones, bank cashier Rosa looks to an unassuming office boy named Julio to help her pull it off. But Rosa's buttoned-up bank manager boyfriend can't help but notice that something suspicious is going on, so he resolves to get to the bottom of it. Armando Silvestre, Irma Dorantes and Carlos Montesco star in this classic crime drama.

Three outlaws get arrested, and the fourth tries several times to break them out of jail. Also, there are can-can girls.

Series western: decent guy with young son takes the rap for a bank robbery; justice-dude and sidekick smoke out his accomplices and the mastermind to clear the first guy's record.

Aging gangsters want to retire, but going straight poses new problems. Can they adapt?


Local rowdies roll a drunk and get away with his life savings. Felipe Reyes El Justiciero rides into town on his faithful sidekick Macario and sets things aright.

A young man is executed for a murder he didn't commit. His brother shows up to clear his name and see that proper justice is done.

Two young charros have been playing the field, and each one has three potential fiancees lined up... Now that it's time to get serious and move toward marriage, the women start politicking among themselves to discredit each other.

Elderly roue interferes in the love life of a young woman because she's secretly his daughter. Remake of En Tiempos De Don Porfirio.


Wandering cowboy hero with sidekick helps a young woman solve a murder and find a hidden treasure.

Cowboy-justice guy breaks up a criminal gang who are terrorizing a small town with the appearance of vampire activity.

Child suffers a brain injury and falls into a coma. When he regains consciousness, twenty years later, he has to deal with having become a grown-up 'overnight'.


A couple of modern city women find love in Jalisco.

Antonio is a handsome men who loves women but flees of marriage as the devil. The pastor of his people is determined to straighten but despite amendment purposes always succumbs to a pretty girl, the problem is that he never see if girls are engaged or married before seducing them.


Jungle adventure about the search for a lost treasure.

Variation on Zorro. Lawyer disguises himself to fight crime, using his secret identity to work on clearing a client and himself of criminal charges.

Two bozos take varied assignments from an employment agency.


Three big-city wimps have to pass for machos when they go to their home-town.

Cowboy heroics. With masks on.

The vedette Miriam ignores her pretender Carlos because her daughter Margot, whom she passes as her sister, is in love with him.


During the Mexican Revolution, Beatriz's body is discovered by some kids. The police began to investigate the history of Beatriz.


Fed agent goes undercover as roving cowboy to solve rural crimes. "Mauricio Rosales" Series.

Sequel to El Tesoro De Pancho Villa; masked wrestler battles gangsters trying to take control of five clues to the location of a hidden treasure.


Villa's troops contend with some rival factions trying to gain control of a misplaced treasure trove.


On the Caribbean island of Martinique, two half-brothers are involved in the entanglements of a frivolous and calculating young woman.


Federal agent Mauricio Rosales goes undercover as itinerant cowpoke to clean up corruption in a remote Northern town. Series western.

Gang leader sets one of his flunkies up to take the fall for a certain job; after he does his jail time, the guy goes gunning for the people who set him up. Also some stuff about fixed boxing matches.


Young rancher who's trying to avenge his father's murder is framed by an enemy for an unrelated crime.

Federal police agent goes undercover to bust rural crime ring. Series western.

Wife-killer narrates flashbacks about how his obsessive jealousy led him to tragedy.


Cantinflas, who owns a cleaning business, cleans the windows of the house of a famous French actress. While carrying out his work he observes how a man steals one of the famous actress necklaces, but he can only see his back.


Big-city songwriter and small-town music student conduct a romance by mail, then finally meet.


Bad woman plays three men off each other while enjoying the attentions of all three; a great many lives are disrupted as a result of her wickedness.


New sheriff cleans up the town. First (?) in "Mauricio Rosales" series.


Juan Manuel intends his wife Clara, who is blind, sign the will in his favor, but she refuses. With them lives Soledad, goddaughter Clara. A day comes Carlos, nephew of Juan Manuel, who is interested in Soledad. Carlos is going to study medicine in the United States and maintains correspondence with Soledad. Juan Manuel shows interest in Soledad but prevents Clara meet her. She is the daughter of Clara, who hid that Juan Manuel had killed the father of Soledad and also caused her blindness.


A lawyer cannot stop lying. And he gets into trouble when a lie becomes true.

Masked rider exposes the criminal misdeeds of a wealthy land-owner and his henchmen.


Small-town elects a female mayor. She suppresses all the time-honored masculine pastimes, and the men rebel.


A woman accused of murder refuses to defend herself in any way, in order to avoid tarnishing the family name and the reputation of her long-lost son.

Horse-trader gets absorbed into Pancho Villa's battalions, becomes a spy.


Two poor children swear an oath: one will study, the other will work and support them both. The worker turns to crime...


Fishing-village girl sacrifices her reputation to the local banker to protect her family; fron there, she follows the path of least resistance, but she never forgets the fiance she left behind...


Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite Streetcar, no. 133, is going to be decommissioned, two Municipal Transit workers get drunk and decide to "take 'er for one last spin," as it were. Unfortunately, the "one last spin" ends up being an all-night and all-day scramble to stay out of trouble, as they are confronted with situation after sometimes bizarre situation that prevents them from returning the "borrowed" Streetcar!


Masked avenger western a la Lone Ranger. First in a series.

Self-righteous young Social Services woman puts all her faith in the institutional answers to questions of the Public Good, and she destroys a couple of lives in the process.


A useless and bloody vendetta has been going on for ages between two families in this Mexican village. Men, sons, have killed each other for generations, for a so-called conception of honor in a revenge that never ends since it is also triggered by people of the village. Now, today, there are only two sons left, one in each family. One has become a doctor in the big city and his culture is modern. The other last one - of the other family - hasn't left the village and is waiting for the doctor to come "home" as he plans to kill him, to settle this war on this matter of honor once and for all. And the people of the village want blood.


In this period costume swashbuckler, Don Pedro de Rivera, the rightful owner of a Spanish castle seeks to reclaim it from an occupying Moorish Caliph. Don Pedro’s accomplice is Juan Ponce de León, who intends to steal the "Rose of Granada," a rare gem owned by the Caliph, which supposedly contains a rare essence that ensures eternal youth.


Newlywed couple move from small town to Mexico City. Their first night in the city, they get separated by accident, and it takes them 90 minutes and lots of incidents before they find each other again.


On vacation, an old lady and her niece pick up a hitch-hiker.


Man in the final stages of a fatal illness gets immersed in a new romance and a murder investigation.


Two young sweethearts get married, and then are made to believe that she's his illegitimate half-sister.


Gangster-y club-owner vs. chorus girl. Blackmail, murder...


Vindictive rich girl spreads rumors about her rival being a witch. Townsfolk get all agitated.


Cantinflas is a unique barber, who trades with an elderly neighbor, a lawyer by profession, laws lessons in exchange for haircuts and shaved. It proposes advice to defend in court the disadvantaged neighborhood. His success deputy seeks the votes as the other candidate, Don Próculo, it is not accepted by anyone but his own bodyguards. Don Próculo will use know how much ruse to win the election by the Council, and also for the love of 'Sarita'


Rosario, the niece of the rancher, returns to the ranch after ten years of absence. She takes in Margarito, a worker at the ranch, who is immediately smitten by her. Rosario is rescued from a runaway horse by the Seven Men, an outlaw a la Robin Hood that steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He also happens to be the twin brother of Margarito, unbeknownst to him. The confusion between Margarito and the Seven Men generates great comical situations in the film.


Ranch melodrama: romantic triangle leads to multiple murders.


Two sisters fall in love with the same man. Plus fatal illness.


Nightclub performer escapes from her abusive manager and starts life over in a new city.


Small town girl moves to the big city. When she can't find a job, she starts hanging with a bad crowd.


A con artist seduces the widow of a millionaire, only to learn she'd plotted with her lover to murder the late husband. A tense game of cat-and-mouse ensues—but who's the cat? Perhaps the greatest thriller ever made in Mexico, starring Arturo de Córdova and Leticia Palma.


The movie starts with Braulio Peláez (Pedro Infante), a schoolteacher, having just fallen off his horse, representing the situation he and his family are in. The next scenes introduce the viewer to his family and their poor financial and social situation. As Braulio stumbles around looking for his glasses, he causes a famous film star, Alfonso de Madrazo (Rafael Alcaide) to crash his car. Braulio offers him to eat at his house as an apology. Braulio's sister and mother, big film fans, immediately recognise Alfonso and attempt to get him to bring the girl, Luisa Peláez (Irma Dolores) to Mexico City to become a film star. Alfonso agrees and tells them to come to the capital.


Johnny Carmenta is a gunman who heads a gang of gangsters. Carmenta secretly acts as a kind of El Zorro, helping the unprotected.


Mexican feature film