Vikas Pal

What would you do if you were locked in a room with a bunch of people every Saturday? On nights when the Wi-Fi was slow, they used their imagination to survive. A bunch of millennial's created a self proclaimed club called the INSIDERS.


Keshav and Jaya are from two villages near Mathura, where at least 80% of households are without any access to a lavatories. Conflict comes knocking on the first day of their marriage, when Jaya leaves Keshav's house for good, after discovering that there is no toilet in the home. Distraught and desperate, Keshav sets out on mission to win back his love- by battling against the age old traditions, mind-set and value system of his country.


Adi and Taara end up falling in love with each other until they get pulled apart from each other by their ambitions and commitment phobia.


A man is forced to marry a tree to ward off ill-luck that surrounds his love-life which turns into a nightmare when the tree is embodied by a spirit with an unfinished business.


The musical drama is a sequel to the 2008 blockbuster 'Rock On' that tells the story of four friends and their passion for music. This time around, the film centers around the regional conflict prevailing in the North Eastern states of India.
