Viktor Dobrovolsky

The Second World War is over. The post-war Germany is divided into several responsibility zones. Still many Russian people languish in camps located in the American zone. Though former allies are in no hurry to let them off to the motherland, and even try to enroll some of them. The American intelligence agency gets to know that they've got a daughter of one of the West Germany cities commandant, whose brother is a famous soviet rocket engineering designer. They plan a crafty operation on the discrimination of the Russian colonel and introduction of the niece into the uncles design office. The Russian Intelligence service is also aware of the Americans interest in the designers works. The special department colonel Lartsev is coming from Moscow to Germany to prepare a reciprocal operation.


A story about injured Soviet Army officer who joins resistance group in Slovakia during WWII.


In the middle of the 17th century, Ukrainian peasants and Cossacks rose up to fight against the Polish gentry rule. About the events of the National Liberation War in Ukraine under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, who with a firm hand led the insurgent masses to an alliance with Russia.


The Soviet steamboat Bogatyr delivers building materials and rafts with timber to the Marto-affected earthquake. However, foreign intelligence is preparing a sabotage at Bogatyr ...

Group of youngsters find a sunken sailboat used by guerrillas during WWII, raise it, repair it, and sail out to sea for adventure.


The war is over. The Red Army soldier Pyotr tries to find himself in a peaceful life. He takes the place of an accountant, and long-time friend Nazar, who has already grown to the post of the head of a collective farm, helps him in this. Together they achieve high performance indicators of their wards, skillfully solving controversial issues and emerging from confused situations.


Captain Ratanov is working on de-mining the port of Odessa after WWII.


Soviet agent Fedotov is air-dropped into Nazi occupied land. He changes over into Mr. Ekhert, a German entrepreneur wishing to take advantage of eastern worker slave labor in occupied Ukraine. Ekhert (Fedotov) enters into a partnership with a German entrepreneur who's son, Willie, is a high ranking Nazi. Together they go to Vinnitsa, Ukraine and start a factory. Fedotov begins seeking contacts with headquarters, but faces problems when a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator manages to infiltrate the Soviet partisans.


August 1941. Residents of the Ural town escorted to the front of men. Left alone, women take on the most difficult cases, showing outstanding organizational skills and will. Together with the evacuated plant, refugees arrive in the town. The heroine of the Film Anna takes to her house a woman with children — her example is followed by the rest…


A group of Russian partisans hiding within a remote forest attempt to destroy a nearby German airfield, all the while assisting a downed French pilot who happens to fall madly in love with a local girl.


Depicts Russian Tsar Peter the First's conquest over the Swedes and his son Aleksey's plot to overthrow him.


This, the first Soviet depiction of Peter the Great, set the stage for what would become the post-Revolutionary line concerning the early Romanovs. Rulers like Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great were widely admired for their dedication to Russia and their absolute determination to enhance her position in the world. But praise for the hated later Romanovs conflicted too heavily with the very beliefs that had brought about the Revolution in 1917.
