Viktor Horinyak

A road movie about a girl who decides to drop everything and ride a bike from Moscow to Magadan.

The second part of a comedy about a blogger who has to hide within the walls of a monastery from punishment on charges of insulting the feelings of believers.

Mitya a run-down film director is tired of endless cycles of cynicism and hypocrisy in the movie business. In desperate attempt to go free he flees from his own TV-show set. Director suspects that he's losing his mind, but the movie business cannot allow him to disappear and abandon his work. Mitya starts to acknowledge that its neither him nor movie business that is getting mad. It's the entire world.

Peace and tranquility have set in Belogorie. The evil was defeated and Ivan is now enjoying his well-deserved fame. He is surrounded by his family, friends and small wonders from the modern world that help him lead a comfortable life. Luckily, he has his Magic Sword to cut a gap between the worlds to get some supplies quite regularly. But when an ancient evil rises and the existence of the magic world is put to danger, Ivan has to team up with his old friends and his new rivals. They will set out on a long journey beyond the known world to find a way to defeat the enemies and to return peace to Belogorie.

An amazing story of tank crewmen who had gone through the war hand in hand and decided to celebrate the great victory in Paris. The friends, who had survived the dreadful experience of war, reached Berlin and set their eyes on a new course in life involving love, breath-taking adventures and their dream town Paris. The movie is based on real events.


Experienced Moscow police officer Maksim Pokrovskiy is sent to Northern Russia to investigate the murder of the local Oligarch's daughter.


A young naive provincial guy Artem visits a friend in Moscow in the hope of finding a new beautiful life, but first he has to help him working the bizarre job of “sober driver” at night. On the first evening, picking up beautiful Christina from a nightclub, a misunderstanding leads to Artem ending up with her in a hotel room. Completely forgetting of last night’s events, Christina mistakes the guy for a young millionaire, and he, in turn, is in no hurry to disappoint her. With each date Artem falls more and more in love with her, but getting out of ridiculous situations becomes more difficult.


The Moscow idler Nikita (27) spends his days at home, watching the news and cursing the country; he is certain that the country is to blame for his unemployment. He lets a room in his Moscow apartment to the girl Sara, who has come from Tel Aviv to earn money. One day Sara tells him that she is going back to Israel.


Once made a choice between duty and feeling. After a year, Zhenya cannot decide what is right - to be honest for love or happy with calculations? Santa Claus gives him a very unusual Soviet lawsuit to look at the snow and make a wish. He does not exactly perform, but under one condition.


Ivan is an ordinary guy who is transferred from modern Moscow to the fantasy world Belogorye. In this parallel universe where characters of Russian fairy tales live, magic is an integral part of daily life, and arguments are settled with the help of sword . Unexpectedly, Ivan finds himself in the middle of a battle between good and evil, and he must discover why everyone thinks that he must play the main role in upcoming events...


The new series of CTC, which will continue the story of the hit comedy "Kitchen". Chef Victor Barinov retired and Eleanor Andreevna met the man of her dreams and moved to St. Petersburg - this ended the final season of "Kitchen". But life in the hotel and the restaurant continues: Michael Dzhekovich still responsible for order in the "Eleon" chef Victor restaurant appointed Senya, and her daughter gets an unexpected boost, which is not pleased with the bone. Everything goes on as usual, while the hotel is not headed by Paul - unlucky nephew of former mistress. In order not to disappoint Aunt and save the business, he entices Brussels Supermenedzher Sofia Tolstaya. New management sets its own rules, and now the hotel is waiting for major changes that overturned upside down not only the habitual way of "Eleon", but the characters and personal plans.


The employees of the famous Russian "Claude Monet" restaurant are forced to move their business to Paris.


Maksim "Max" Lavrov wants to become a great chef. But he finds out that the kitchen isn't the place for an easy career. And in restaurant "Claude Monet" this job looks even harder and much more complicated than just cooking.


The famous YouTube pranker Dima, in pursuit of popularity on the network, arranges tough pranks, one of which is a prank in the walls of the church, where his childhood friend serves. The video provokes indignation among believers and they start a case against Dima. Escaping police persecution, Dima takes refuge in a place where they will definitely not be looking for him - a small provincial monastery, posing as a monk.

The history of the great Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko.