Viktor Pavlovsky

The young singer and her producer, to collect money for the first CD, go on a cruise. The main ups and downs - not so much musicians as frank swindlers - occur on the ship.

A young couple, not wanting to, faced the fact of having a baby. They are offered to sell it to a rich childless family. Deceived by her lover, the mother agrees, but dies during childbirth. New parents receive the coveted son, and the father of the child goes abroad. Years pass and dad returns.


The ancient northern monastery has a guide Tatyana. Two former classmates seek her favors: medical student Ivan and young businessman Yves (that is, also Ivan). As a result of a fall from a balloon, the girl is in a coma. Only Ivan Voronov can deduce from this state if he is near. He decides to help his beloved by entering into intimacy with her. The nurse who discovered them reports to the police. Ivan was arrested as a "maniac", and the life of TANI is under threat again ... "


Dangerous criminal Bovarin found and raised an orphan Asya. The girl worships her savior, for her sake she is ready for any crime, even murder. By chance, she met with motorcycle racer Danila and fell in love with him. Love changed her character, forced to rethink the whole past life. But it’s not so simple when money is involved ...


The first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.

The film is set during World War II. After capturing the "trophy" Mercedes, a group of scouts, disguised as German officers commits a daring raid behind enemy lines (the 116th Motorized Division) on roads controlled by the enemy.


Based on the events that took place in Odessa in 1910, when, on the instructions of the Foreign Bureau of the RSDLP, a prominent Bolshevik underground worker arrived in the city under the guise of a French timber merchant, who was to organize the delivery of illegal literature to Russia through the Odessa port. The task can be completed. In Odessa, a variety show theater was created, which, having gained fame, toured Russia and received "theater props" from France...
