Viktor Smirnov

Young spouses go on a boat on a honeymoon. A fire occurs along the way - and in front of the eyes of the young wife, a burning beam falls on Matvey. Time passes, Natasha marries Stepan, who saved her that tragic night. But one day, they accidentally learn that Matvey is alive. Stepan decides to find him and leaves Moscow ...


Year 1944 ... Year breakthrough victorious in World War II, but in the Baltic theater of naval battles yet quiet. The line of duty, the commander of a torpedo boat Boris Shubin accidentally discovers a secret German submarine fairway unmarked. An emergency throws it on the "Flying Dutchman" and makes it possible to lift the veil of the strictest secrecy of the Third Reich, which surrounds it ...


August 1943, Europe. The tentacles of the German octopus have begun to recoil. As the Nazis retreat, their concern focuses on the supply of oil from the refineries of Romania. Without the flow of "black gold", Germany's doom is sealed. Armadas of American bombers from bases in North Africa have begun to assault Pioesti - and there is another threat from the Partisans across the border of Yugoslavia. Against the tableau of spectacular events, the dramatic story of WILD WIND unfolds.


The film tells the life story of the famous Russian scientist, researcher, traveler and pioneer Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay. The film shows the most interesting moments from the life of a scientist and his travels. Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay was the first to land in New Guinea, getting acquainted with the aborigines, their customs. Among the natives of New Guinea, Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay lives for several years. The scientist also falls in love with the daughter of the Vice President of Australia, the film shows the relationship between Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay and his lover.

Autumn 1944. Wounded scout returns to his home village only to fight with bandits.


A young heir of a big fortune Sergey Privalov is coming back to his native town after a long absence. Having visited his owned plants, he breaks out with the idea to rebuild the industrial processes, improve the life of workers, and build schools and hospitals. Though, his interests collide with the interests of local big wigs, to whom the existing situation suits perfectly


In the Siberian wilderness, on one of the car depots, bad stories occur. It all starts with theft, and leads to murder. And neither the police nor the leadership of the base can put things in order. Moreover, the main character, Alexei, seems that he is completely alone in search of the truth.
