Viktoriya Korlyakova

Amore more (2022) At the center of the story are two couples of young people with relationship difficulties. Poliamor Georgiy does not know how to explain to his new beloved Alice that she will never be his only one. The marriage of another couple - chef Sergey and accountant Elena - is bursting at the seams: after the pandemic, Sergey's business collapsed, he fell into a deep depression and wants - literally - nothing. Georgiy proposes a plan to his wife Elena: together they open a bar called AMORE MORE, where they will hold parties for couples. Sergey will return to work, Alisa will be able to reconsider her attitude towards polyamory. But the plan collapses - real feelings interfere in the matter.

Moscow in a not so distant future where human beings share their daily lives with robots. Georgy, a forensic who has a robot assistant, suddenly finds himself caught up in the first murder committed by a new kind of experimental humanoid.


Nastya is a talented athlete, a popular blogger and the first beauty of the school. When a new one comes into the class, she sets herself the goal of winning his attention, but she runs into indifference on his part. What will she have to do to win?

A young female doctor and her 6-year-old daughter are on an overnight flight in a violent storm. When passengers on the half-empty plane inexplicably begin to die, the woman’s grip on reality weakens and she is forced to relive her worst childhood nightmare.