Vinko Brešan

Željka is a 40-year-old woman, living a quiet life in an isolated village. An unexpected visit will take her back to the past, shaking up her daily routine.

A short opera inspired by Aesop's fable The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle.

Spikiney is a hardworking and selfless hedgehog who runs a soup kitchen for his community. One winter night the food vanishes, endangering their existence.

Striking black-and-white animation traces the expansion of creatures from land, sea, and air. A film premiering at Klik Animated Film Festival.

A story about suicidal general, a minister in the Croatian government who voluntarily locks himself inside a prison cell, and 4 pensioners, who steal the coffin with the remains of the late Croatian president.


Every person we know, love and live with carries a stranger in their head. And they know we do too.

It will take a lot more than a lack of talent to stop an ambitious kitten’s dream of joining in the songs of Feline City.

Don Fabijan is a young priest who comes to serve on an unnamed small island in the Adriatic. In order to help increase birth rate on the island, he decides to pierce condoms before they are sold. He therefore teams up with the newsagent Petar and the pharmacist Marin. After they abolish all forms of birth control on the entire island, the consequences become more and more complicated.


Djuro is a Romany, he has a large, happy family, and earns a living appearing in Serbian porn films. And it's through his sarcastic perspective that we follow the story of the Croatian war veteran Martin. He falls in love with a beautiful girl who plays Little Red Riding Hood in a porn version of the fairy tale. She is also a prostitute. To be with her, Martin has to buy her from her pimp. A tragicomic story of love in a world where it seems all human values are put up for sale or destined for cynical destruction


The adventures of a small town Croatian family during the 1960s. The decade will leave eternal marks on all of their members, but most of the story focuses on the youngest one, a boy, Frula, who discovers the love and fashion of the time.


This documentary interviews the singer Djordje Balasevic, his fans and some ex-Yugoslav celebrities before his concert of in Pula Arena on June 6, 2001.

Stipan is a policeman who comes to small Adriatic island off the Croatian coast in order to investigate reported strange phenomena that had frightened the whole population. At first, nobody wants to co-operate with him, but he finally finds that the island is being allegedly haunted by the ghost of Josip Broz Tito, Communist leader of former Yugoslavia. For Luka, the mayor, this is the opportunity to turn entire island into Tito-themed amusement park. Tito's WW2 veterans, on the other hand, don't believe in ghosts; for them, the apparition is actually Tito himself, who had returned in order to lead them into a new revolution which would restore Communism. Written by Anonymous


At the beginning of 1991, Yugoslav army did not acknowledge Croatian's independence, and still holding few military barracks in Croatia. Gajski travels to an island to get his son out of the army. Locals have besieged the barracks and organized a festival to try with singing and recitals to get major Aleksa and his soldiers to surrender, but Aleksa has explosives thru the barracks and wants to blow up the island.


After his wife's murder and house burnt, a young soldier is in search for new home for his daughter. But coming to chaotic at the beginning of the war Zagreb is no place for hope...


We begin with a fragmented portrait of Činča, between the stories she tells and the thoughts of those surrounding her. In The Head, a girl is confronted with the possibility of dying. Intermezzo focusses on the moments of abstraction amid the hustle and bustle of a city. In Our Stock Exchange, unemployed people seek work. Second Floor, Basement shows us a hospital where only two floors separate birth and death.