Vinny Pecora

Somewhere, between the boundaries of life and death, lays the darkest places in the human heart. In these dimly lit recesses crouch fears older than mankind itself. Yet only by visiting this netherworld from time to time can we hope to unearth what lurks just beyond the grasp of our imaginations. The Unknown Trilogy dares to navigate these shadowy passages in three chilling tales that will make you glad you decided to come along for the ride...


Al Caruso, John Gresco and Jack Amoruso are three gangsters working for the Genovese family. However, their efforts are more than headache-inducing, and when they are given one last chance: To protect the boss's aunt, she is accidentally killed and the three men are sentenced to death. They come up with a plan to sell the boss to the police and the FBI. However, Al suffers from short-term memory loss and has to be told the story by John and Jack.
