Vinod Nagpal

Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua, are off to India to star in a Bollywood movie. But when there they discover that they will have to compete against each other to get the role in the movie. Will the Cheetah's break up again?


Madan Mohan Khullar, a lover of old Hindi films and music, has decided to start his life afresh. However, to begin a new day, one has to pass through a long night, and so must he.


Lord Louis Mountbatten arrives in India in March 1947 as Britain's Last Viceroy. He is committed to transfer administrative and authoritative power to an independent and sovereign India. Six months later India indeed was set free, but it had also been partitioned and overwhelmed by an orgy of sectarian violence involving Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.


Gary, a musician, is trapped in an unhappy relationship with his live-in lover, Dora. He becomes enthralled with a beautiful seductress who enters his dreams, and tries to control his dream-state so he can spend more and more time with her. When Gary sees his mystery woman's face on a bus billboard, he discovers she is real, and fate brings him an opportunity to meet her.


Upon retirement, cranky control freak Kamal Kishore Khosla obsesses about procuring a plot of land in Delhi, where he plans to build his dream house. After investing his entire life's savings to acquire the land, he discovers the plot's been stolen by a greedy land shark. Now, Khosla must rely on his comically dysfunctional family to pull off a scam on the biggest goon in real estate and win back.


Lucknow based Mithilesh Shukla, is a regular, nondescript sort of a guy, who has washed his hands off marriage, until his nagging mom and her concerned brother get him to see Veena as a prospective bride. Veena is beautiful, cultured, educated and pretty much everything Mithilesh wants. She is also leggy, a good 6" taller than our hero. This doesn't concern him too much, until he overhears people talk and laugh at his relative lack of stature/looks. Everyday situations, such as driving a scooter, with a tall wife towering from the back-seat, or a fawning doodh-wala (milk-man) delivering milk, become a nagging headache for the insecure Mithilesh. More problems crop up when Veena's good college friend, the TALL, worldly, smart Akash moves into the flat next door, and jealousy consumes Mithilesh, leading him into a quagmire of problems, which threaten to rip apart his life.
