Viora Daniel

Quarantined Rivals is a 1927 silent Comedy

Secret Service agent Jerry Blaine is hot on the trail of a gang of jewel thieves, Jerry briefly poses as a crook himself to gain the gang's confidence.

Bobby Vernon dreams he's part of The Three Musketeers.


Though betrothed to fellow socialite Richard, Iris weds her chauffeur Tom leaving Richard to marry the family laundress' daughter Shamrock. Class differences lead to divorces and remarriages.


A wealthy father tries to discourage his daughter's taste for stories of the Mounted; her imagination conjures up the ideal lover as one who wears that red coat and whose slogan is "get your man." She arrives at her father's camp in the frozen North the victim of a frameup: her father had planned that his employees must discourage her in every manner possible. The idea is if she sees him she will be disillusioned. A few hunters spying the "wolves" shoot with intent to kill, and a real bear enters the hut and scatters the plotters. The scheme works well, even with all these inconveniences, until a genuine Mountie appears on the scene and administers punishment to the arch-villain and his dwarf-like henchman. As a result the girl's romantic imagination vindicates her beau ideal. The two lovers are last seen standing chest-deep in the snow.

An attorney is thrust into wild adventures by an attractive young woman.
