Viorel Păunescu

The level of disinterest in personal affairs has become so cynical in Bucharest that people cheer even an inept army and police manhunt. Meanwhile, Mitu and Elena get to know each other in the course of a vodka drinking contest and discover that they are both dissatisfied with the status quo. Mitu is about to begin military service and Elena is to be married to a man she does not love. They decide they are meant for each other and plan on a different future, one that is on a collision course with the authorities, and start a mad affair.


A young girl is cast for a musical comedy, but she refuses after her father doesn't let her play in it. After that, more offers emerge, along with a hit song dedicated to her from a infatuated admirer.


A copilot takes control of the aircraft due to the fact that the captain has taken some risky decisions. This will degenerate into an ugly conflict.
