Virginia Lee

Police sketch artist, Jack, helps blind rape victim Emmy describe her attacker.. a serial rapist and murderer who is now out to get her.


An Irish horsecar driver's daughter meets New York showman Tony Pastor and goes into vaudeville.


A federal agent's life is in danger when he's exposed while investigating a parole scheme.


The Daily Clarion hires detective story writer Steve Colt to investigate the deaths of a group of scientists working on an atomic rocket development project. Behind the killings is fortune teller Sombra, a spy from an Asian country intent on world domination, who is determined to pilfer the atomic rocket by luring workers from the project to her parlor and killing them with black widow spider venom when they refuse to cooperate.


Brave and good-natured cowboy Sandy Burke saves young Dolly after her father is killed in the saloon. He entrusts the girl to kindly Widow Mackey, who is having trouble paying her mortgage and decides he is responsible for the pair so he best start earning some money. Soon he is seeking work at the U-Bar-U ranch but who could predict the trouble he will have with the rancher's daughter, Molly, or the surly foreman, Jim Diggs!

Gunman Chuck Connelly is hired to silence the new district attorney who has been pounding the graft organizations. Chuck goes to the D. A.'s home to threaten him, but is taken off guard when his victim's little daughter leans trustfully on his knee and looks up at him with a smile. The D. A. ignores Chuck's warning, and the gang orders the gunman to execute him. Chuck breaks into the house, but sees the little girl again and is unable to complete his task. Instead, he seeks out his girl friend, Annie Mangan, a Salvation Army reformer, and swears to end his life of crime.