Virginia Romay

Set in the 1930s, the eldest son of a wealthy family falls in love with a young woman who emigrated from Spain and works at home as a maid.


A mechanic and an ad creator meet the daughter of an industrialist and her friend when they travel to Mar del Plata.

Angelica Zamora is a famous actress and singer, ignored by her three children Julio, Clotilde and Felipe. After learning of a serious illness that leaves her little time to live, her children and their friends intend to make her spend her best moments without being aware of the disease she suffers. Julio will even propose to someone to please his mother.


A woman from the country moves into to the big city of Buenos Aires to start a new life. Things are not going very easy and she soon finds herself working as a prostitute.


Sarli plays the role of Alicia who is left behind with a young son when her husband goes to Panama to work. She has affairs with various men, which lead to extortion.


A deep-seated inferiority complex leads a Buenos Aires newspaper reporter (Carlos Cores) into a seemingly innocent correspondence-school scheme with a clever Hungarian ex-pat (Vassili Lambrinos). But as the money flows in, so do suspicions—driving one man to commit the perfect crime.


Boyhood friends grow up, form a tango orchestra, one of them writes a brilliant song commemorating their friendship before he dies.

Emma Zunz plans to avenge her father’s death and escape the consequences with a risky alibi.


During a prank an 11 year old boy gets information about the identity of a kidnapper of girls in the vicinity but does not reveal it to his father, a policeman, not to confess his own fault and it jeopardizes his life.
