Virginia Vance

Taking place over 24 hours, "New Year's Eve" is the story of Marjorie Ware, broke and unemployed, who despairs as her ailing younger brother languishes at home. She runs into rich gambler Larry Harmon and rejects his overtures. She later finds a wallet with 10 $100 bills belonging to Edward Warren.

Dan Doolittle is a poor schmuck whose big talk usually gets him into trouble. After he is fired from his plumbing job, he saves Dolly Davis, who, grateful, promises to get him a job at the company where she works, Owl Taxi, which is owned by her father. That job is as the jack-of-all-trades in the garage, under the supervision of the garage foreman, whose job he expects to have within the week. But Dan becomes the bane of the foreman's existence, in part because Dan would rather spend his time with Dolly to who he is attracted. But after Dan is asked by the boss to drive Dolly to the taxi depot, Dan believes he can make his millions instead by buying a cab and starting his own taxi company. Interactions with Dolly's visiting brother - a hosiery salesman - who Dan mistakenly believes is Dolly's boyfriend, a pair of inflatable legs, and an angry foreman who was fired because of Dan's mistakes in the garage lead to one misadventure after another for Dan.


Reggie Hemingway is a rich broker who continually bullies his valet. World War I breaks out and the valet enlists immediately. Reggie goes to the army later and arrives at the training camp to find that his valet is now a tough sergeant in charge of the recruits.


The short starts with a duel in the Old South wherein a man inadvertently saves one of the duelist's lives for which he is given a watch. Years pass and we next see the grandson, impoverished and heading to the big city for work (taking the watch with him). His ma gives him a pigeon in case he wants to send a message back home. The watch is the key to getting a fortune and a vamp and her cohort want it.


A young man faces perilous adventures when he is evicted from his apartment.


Johnny tries hard to impress his girl, but she seems to be much more interested in movie stars.


Johnny Arthur is a hypochondriac and wife Virginia Vance and the family doctor pretend he is going to die -- and behave in a heartless fashion that gets him to lose his temper and get out of his sickbed forever.


A slapstick comedy starring Cliff Bowes & Virginia Vance.


Cliff Bowes and Eddie Nelson in a Cameo comedy produced by Educational.

Mortimer grabs an opportunity to take a truck driving job; Matthew intends to hang onto it.


CHEER UP - starring Cliff Bowes, with Virginia Vance, Eddie Boland, and Frank Alexander. Cliff vies for Virginia's affections with Eddie, but ultimately she chooses Cliff to be her groom. The newlyweds move in to their new home, but the spurned rival makes a shambles out of the house in retaliation.
