Vitaliya Kornienko

Nika Turbina spent her childhood with her mother traveling throughout the Soviet Union, reading her poems. Tours, meetings with grateful poetry lovers, bohemian parties and meeting celebrities - she was a child prodigy, the youngest Soviet poetess, who amazed readers with childish sadness and piercing lines. In the late 90s, Nika was already 27: childhood ended long ago, the Soviet Union does not exist, but the main thing is that she can no longer write poetry - inspiration has not come for a long time. She still lives with her mother, is already being treated for alcoholism and is trying to understand herself - where did that “voice” of her disappear to, why does she no longer feel maternal love and can one day be happy like everyone else? Acquaintance with the cheerful and independent Ivan, who gave up a promising career as a diplomat, gives Nika hope for this happiness.

Kirill is nearing forty, and he has always managed to avoid any kind of obligations in life. He has never been married, he has no children, he had once won the European championship of mixed wrestling but he is not interested in victory anymore, only going to the ring to earn money. Today is no different from yesterday; disposable dishes at home, disposable women, never a thought about the future. One morning, however, Kirill meets in his kitchen a five-year-old Victoria, daughter of one of his one-night stands. The girl tells him that he is now her father and she will live with him because her mother left her with him. Finding out who the girl is, where she is from and whether she is his daughter, Kirill gradually starts taking care of the girl, feeling responsible to her and finally becomes a grown-up himself - to fight and win.


What happens in fairy tales after the wedding of the prince and princess? Figure skater Nadia and hockey player Sasha got married and more than anything else they dream of a child. True, the price they will have to pay for this dream will be unimaginably high. After such upheavals, it seems impossible to count on a happy ending. But if you think so, you do not know anything about real tales...


The story of a prisoner serving time in a Siberian hard labor camp.

At the height of the Cold War, a Soviet spacecraft crash lands after a mission gone awry, leaving the commander as its only survivor. After a renowned Russian psychologist is brought in to evaluate the commander’s mental state, it becomes clear that something dangerous may have come back to Earth with him…


An ordinary working class boy, like all his peers, he played football day and night and dreamed of being a striker. But no matter which team he played for - in the yard, at the factory, or in the army - he was inevitably put in goal.


A Russian, a Jew and an Armenian came to Margarita to help her with some household repairs. But then came another surprise - a Black American who was determined on proposing to her. A Russian member of the State Duma, a Jewish teacher and an Armenian restaurateur decided they cannot possibly let her leave for the United States. It might be hard to persuade her to stay, but it’s not in the nature of people in Russia to give up easily. That day turned into night, which turned into morning and divided Margarita’s life into ‘before’ and ‘after’. After her guests almost crashed the apartment that they were supposed to help fix, Margarita understood that men are interested in many things - sex, politics, nationalism, internationalism, anarchy, family values, philosophical questions about the meaning of the world - but not in home repairs. And it is only in the end that she sees: men who are special do exist - but you have to look carefully…


Moscow in a not so distant future where human beings share their daily lives with robots. Georgy, a forensic who has a robot assistant, suddenly finds himself caught up in the first murder committed by a new kind of experimental humanoid.


A zombie apocalypse can happen tomorrow. But now there is a place where it is possible to escape.


March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. What both superpowers aim for in this race, is to be the first to have a man walk in outer space. To accomplish that, no price is too high and no risk is too great. Now it’s up to the unlikely duo of a seasoned war veteran and a hot-headed test-pilot to fulfill this mission. Two men in a tiny spaceship, without proper testing, facing the complete unknown… They were supposed to do what no man has done before — and no man imagined what would happen next…


Contemporary Russia. A young couple finds a great deal on a used BMW. Unfortunately, it's haunted.


2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.

A young female doctor and her 6-year-old daughter are on an overnight flight in a violent storm. When passengers on the half-empty plane inexplicably begin to die, the woman’s grip on reality weakens and she is forced to relive her worst childhood nightmare.