Vladimir Gartsunov

Cosmoball is a mesmerizing intergalactic game of future played between humans and aliens at the giant extraterrestrial ship hovering in the sky over Earth. A young man with enormous power of an unknown nature joins the team of hot-headed superheroes in exchange for a cure for his mother’s deadly illness. The Four from Earth will fight not only to defend the honor of their home planet in the spectacular game, but to face the unprecedented threat to the Galaxy and embrace their own destiny.


Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and now. For this they are ready to sacrifice everything - position, wealth, love, life ... and the country itself.


In the center of the plot are modern heroes who have taken the path of fighting crime. This drama played out against the backdrop of the terrorist attack. Graduates of the 11 “A” class meet again with their school teacher, but now they are forced to move from theory to practice and save not only their lives, but also the lives of other people.


A village idiot youth hides a Jewish neighbor from the Germans.
