Vladimir Goryushin

The trouble with businesswomen is that they have “business” in the first place and only “wumen” in the second. The heroine of this story in business concerns does not notice how she loses the closest person - her beloved husband. But fortunately, there is New Year's Eve with its miracles and the ability to correct any mistakes, even mistakes of love ...

Boris is desperately trying to recollect the events of the last three days while he is charged with manslaughter.


Stories of children and their cares, joys, fears and whims that are taking place in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In the life of the national artist, actor Vsevolod Fleminsky, a crisis ensued. Advertising, in which you have to shoot, endless photo shoots, television series - all this is like an endless tape, but there are no real roles. And then there was still undisguised greed for his dearest half, and in combination with his agent Svetlana Nikolaevna. And Fleminsky decided to quit. He transferred his small roles to his fellow actors, gave the mobile phone to some monk in the train, and he disappeared at his dacha. However, it turned out that his wife had leased the cottage to a certain trading company. The owner of this company Irina met with hostility the appearance of an uninvited owner. But. .. from hatred to love, as you know, one step, and he was quickly passed by the participants of this duet ...

Tamara becomes a victim of circumstances. Her lover left her. She nearly lost her best friend. Even in her own apartment Tamara does not feel safe - there she finds the corpse of a neighbor. In a panic, the heroine goes to the country, but there she becomes a prisoner of the bandits.

The life and career of the brutal Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin.
