Vladimir Ivanov

Stuck in a mining town near Vladivostok in 1947 amongst Soviet exiles and Japanese POWs (Japanese prisoners remained in Siberia for years after the war had ended), the kids have to come up with something to keep them busy. Two friends, Valerka and Galia, play some peculiar, very dangerous games of their own amid the man-made wasteland of Suchan.


A heroic drama about a submarine sailors of Russian Northern Fleet during the WWII.


A young man Sergey is trying to find a truth about the abandoned tomb of the soldiers suddenly discovered during the building of a highway.


Senya, a young hunter, hunts for two wolves that have been preying on sheep of various farms in Siberia. Kira Muratova and husband Oleksandr Muratov's diploma film.


Based on real events. Vyacheslav Tikhonov, in the first of his spy roles, portrays a scout in an operation to free an Odessa water plant from the Nazis.


The story of a man (Andrey Sokolov) whose life was ruthlessly crippled by World War II. His wife and daughters were killed during the bombing of his village, he spent some time as a prisoner, and his only son was killed in action only a few days before the victory...


After the novel of the same name of Mehdi Huseyn.


In 1942, local teenagers are organizing the underground resistance in the city of Krasnodon during the Nazi occupation of Russia. The teens manage to outsmart the Nazis in their fight, and their activity lifts the spirits of the surviving citizens.
