Vladimir Khotinenko

Having dedicated his life to the preparation of the revolution in the Russian Empire, Vladimir Lenin, living in exile in Switzerland, desperately seeks a way back to Russia to take control. Options are few when Lenin receives an offer from Alexander Parvus, the most infamous of political opportunists, who has made a deal with Germany to sponsor the revolution under Lenin’s command and smuggle Lenin and his comrades into Russia. Aware that making a deal with 2 devils could cost him everything, Lenin knows he must outsmart and outmaneuver Parvus and the Germans at any cost...


The film shows several episodes from the lives of different people, which turn out to be connected by a single monetary bill.

Biopic covering a large portion of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's life, from the Petrashevsky Circle to the writing of The Brothers Karamazov.


Father Alexander is trying to maintain peaceful life for his church amidst the Nazi occupation during WWII.


The czar of Russia has died and a power vacuum has developed. This period in the late 16th and early 17th century has been called "The Time of Troubles." There are many impostors who claim to the right to rule, but there's only one heir, the Czarina Kseniya Godunova. She has married a Polish military leader who wants to claim the Russian throne in her name so he can rule all of Russia. As the Poles move in on Moscow in an attempt to install the czarina on the throne, Andrei, a serf with a life-long infatuation of the czarina attempts to save her from her brutal Polish husband.


In the center of the plot is a screenwriter hired to create a new film. He writes a script about his childhood in the post-war Moscow courtyard. About how the boys were at enmity with the firemen, how they tried to blow up the fire, and how the firemen took revenge on them ... And how the boys ate the earth, swearing allegiance to each other ... And about who passed the test and who did not .. In his memoirs the script writer seems to be walking around in circles, returning to his childhood, as the brightest part of his life, where he very much wants to return, like a prodigal son in his father's house...


The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival.


Film divided with four stories.

A Russian soldier who spent ten years in captivity in Afghanistan, returns to his home village and shocks all its inhabitants because of his conversion to Islam. During his absence, his father hanged himself, his brother served a prison term and his former fiancée has become a woman of very low morals. The village is the scene of endless drinking while the local boss is selling off the land for dollars to new-rich Russians. Our hero turns out as the only sober and hard-working member of the community. However, his attachment to his new faith soon provokes the hatred and rejection of everyone else, including his own family.


Former prisoners captured plane. But on the way there was a failure, and to alleviate the weight of the aircraft, they throw overboard box with three hostages. The hostages managed to land safely. Now they have to stick together. And around a foreign land with a strange unknown language.


Guns replace words as tools of power in post-revolutionary Russia.


In the old house, but in the heart of the big city lives a Russian intellectual Chekhov's tailoring Ilyin. He lives a quiet-peaceful and for the time being do not know what in the old closet is the entrance to a mysterious cave and magic the room from which you can easily get to any capital in the world…


A story of a four seemingly random vagon lit passengers whose fates are unexpectedly interwoven.


A middle-aged woman Ksenia (N. Yegorova) has a usual regular life: routine work in typography, home without husband, whom she has long divorced, 17-year old daughter with teenage problems, a friend, trying to give her in marriage. In short, nothing special. Though sometimes she sings in a local chorus for the good of her soul. But once a head of municipal folklore consort drops in, and they get into conversation, and he invites her to the run-through. She comes, tries her forces with the others, but for some reason she is not let to the concerts She gets acquainted with a nimble administrator, who gathers a concert group and proposes to go on tour. She agrees and changes her life dramatically.


Two not quite similar men, our contemporaries, Sergey Pshenichny and Andrew Nemchinov, are walking in the street in their native mining town and found themselves in 1949. It's a common knowledge that real miracles happen without technical devices: time comes miracle happens. They spend in 1949 only one day the next morning they found that it is the same day that was yesterday. All several months, they spent in the past, they spent in one and the same day: the 8th of May, Sunday, the day of heightened coal production. In the morning to the coal mine, in an hour an accident in a coalface, at 10 o'clock wire from the Ministry, after work reunion concerning the Stalins anniversary; robbing of pay desk, death of policeman Ryabenko, in the evening - volunteer Sunday work… and in the morning the same, and so for ever and ever Philosophic fiction, accompanied by music of group Nautilus Pompillius. After a novel of S.Rybasa of the same name.


1918. A Red Army soldier Fyodor Krohov, authorized to withdraw farmers corn surpluses, comes to a small village, where White Guard can show up any day. He must persuade peasants to hand over the surpluses. But men are hesitating, some lend an ear to a wealthy peasant Mokey Zhlobin, unwilling to give away his hided corn. The only one person, backing up Fyodor is a local self-made inventor, living in the outskirts with his beloved beauty-wife, having equipped his house with electricity, power-saw bench and other gimmicks. The inventor takes him as a close friend and his young wife falls in love with Fyodor. The love triangle appears, but their ideals are above all. Together they manage to find the hidden corn and survive in uneven battle with bandits who rushed into a village.


1927. A retired Red Army commander Constantine Vorontsov is appointed a Criminal Investigation Department head in a principal city of province. An experienced repeater named Korney shows up in the city. Thanks to a successfully performed operation a place of a local thieves gathering place is now known. But Korney, foreboding of an ambush, changes the place at the last moment. Vorontsov doesnt have enough time to warn all his colleagues and heads for the thieves meeting by his own.


One of the most popular movies tells, in an ironic manner, about complicated relationships between close people. Among the film’s achievements is not only splendid acting, but also the fact that “Kinfolk” remains as contemporary and topical as before. The relations between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law are as everlasting a theme as love itself. Especially when the role of the son-in-law Stasik is brilliantly played by Yuri Bogatyryov, and that of the mother-in-law by the incomparable Nonna Mordyukova. Marusya Konovalova, a kind, simple-hearted country woman, comes to Moscow to visit her only daughter (Svetlana Kryuchkova) and tries to help “glue together” her broken-up family. Acting with best intentions, she cannot understand why her interference provokes a stormy protest… Ruscico.com


A young graduate of a Musical teacher's training school, having got an allocation to one of the collective farms of Nonblack Soil Zone, she goes there with one desire return to city as soon as possible and continue her career of pop singer. Villagers are rejoiced by arrival of a new club head, and do all their best to make her stay: give good lodging, telephone, color TV-set, and even accordion. And the farms head (B.Nevzorov) is not intended to let her go before the set date, moreover, he falls in love with her. A skeptical modern city girl, mixing with villagers and step-by-step delving into their routine life and chores, gets filled with local beauties and engulfing feeling towards a young farms head, starts hesitating.


Soviet detective television series.


In Mary's world there are simple truths. The Sisterhood always knows best. The Guardians will protect and serve. The Unconsecrated will never relent. And you must always mind the fence that surrounds the village; the fence that protects the village from the Forest of Hands and Teeth.