Vladimir Konkin

The story of the last year and a half of Tsar Nicholas II and his family from the February Revolution of 1917 to their execution in July 1918.


A wealthy businessman tries to change his not so good sounding last name by marrying the heir of aristocratic family.


Russian and American Navy are working together in a sea rescue operation, trying to prevent a major ecological catastrophe. The disaster may be caused by the nuclear reactor, that was smuggled out of Russia and then dropped into the Pacific Ocean from exploded cargo airplane.


The film was shot on the story of Valentin Pikul “Go and do not sin”, which tells about the real events that took place in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The story of the young beauty Olga Palem from a poor large family is replete with tragic events. Olga's passionate disinterested love for student Alexander Zapolsky becomes her evil rock. Spoiled and selfish, Alexander is not able to appreciate her feelings. Exhausted by humiliation, a young woman kills her lover. The high-profile trial of Olga Pale becomes a sensation that stirred up the whole of Russia ...


A fascinating journey of young people on the boat. However, a pleasant trip turns around when the young man finds out that his own wife is "resting" on the same boat ...

Late-Soviet screen adaptation of the novel "A Pale Horse" by Boris Savinkov. A group of anti-tsarist revolutionary terrorists plot to assassinate the governor of a provincial town.

Начало 80-х годов прошлого века, закат "эры Брежнева"... Сотрудник МУРа честный и неподкупный майор Корнеев расследует дела о разбойных грабежах квартир состоятельных советских граждан. Банда действует явно по чьей-то наводке. В ходе расследования майор неожиданно выходит на крупных милицейских начальников, давно ставших "кунаками" воротил преступного мира...

At a meeting of the bureau, under pressure from the first secretary of the district committee of the party, the agronomist of the collective farm Boris Kholmovoy was dismissed and expelled from the party for allegedly arbitrary actions. Disagreeing with the decision of the district committee, Kholmovoy files an appeal. The secretary of the regional party committee Plotnikov, wanting to understand this complicated matter, goes to the collective farm.

After WWII is over, a young officer Volodya Sharapov returns to Moscow to work in MUR - Moskovskiy Ugolovny Rozysk (Moscow Criminal Police). There he meets Gleb Zheglov who is a chief of a squad which fights organized crime. Their main task is to track down a gang "Chernaya Koshka" (Black Cat) which terrorizes the city. Also, they have to find out who murdered Larisa Gruzdeva. Zheglov believes it was her husband Ivan Gruzdev, but Sharapov has his doubts about it...


The families of 18 soldiers who heroically died in 1944 are meeting at the place of the squad last battle.


A love story between a simple guy and a music star fails, but suddenly he notices somebody else...

A family drama about life of a few children in Ukraine during thirties.

A drama about two young lovers who got separated by fate.
