Vladimir Litvinov

A small group of Russian soldiers with mixed skills are assembled to go on a covert mission to map out the area of Hitler's new HQ in the Ukraine known as Wehrwolf. But it's not until they get to their destination that the squads leader then decides to unveil the true details of the mission.


The end of the XVIII century. The reign of Catherine II. In the deep Russian provinces, among the vast steppes of the Ural escaped convict Yemelyan Pugachev proclaimed himself Emperor Peter III of Russia. Under the banner of the Pretender embarked detachments of Cossacks, fugitive serfs, and many spirited people. In these troubled times in the God-forsaken Belogorsk young officer Pyotr Grinyov meets his first love - Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Recklessly passionate love with each other did not want to notice the signs of impending trouble. They did not know that soon they will be an ordeal. They could not imagine how bizarre way their fates intertwined with the fate of the self-proclaimed king, and what an incredible effort will be worth it to save their lives and feelings in the bloody chaos of Russian riot.


In Russia, there has long been a society of billiards, whose members are scattered throughout the country. Many of them have long become millionaires. And they should thank the old school teachers for this. Most of these old people live starving and lonely. In order to somehow brighten up their old age, the new generation of billiards decided to chip in and give their teachers a big mansion, where there will be decent food, good medical care and fresh air. No one refused his share of the contribution, except for an authority by the name of Savitsky. Soon, he completely changes his mind and organizes an ambush on the road, takes away not only his own money, but also his total money. The barely surviving couriers report this to all members of the community. The group comes up with a decent punishment by sending him a professional pool player nicknamed Classic. The bandit will have to fight with a virtuoso who prefers to play for large sums in order to save money.


A hunt for the money belong to the Communist Party is going ahead and takes victim after victim...


About political repressions in 1920s in Ukraine, the disappointment of revolutionary intellectuals in Communist ideals.


All Costs Paid is a Soviet TV miniseries produced by Studio Ekran. The director Aleksei Saltykov well known for his film The Chairman with Mikhail Ulyanov, an acclaimed Russian actor playing a main character. All Costs Paid is one of the first Soviet feature films that shows the war in Afghanistan. Film has unusually truthful point of view on that period of Soviet Era and on the Soviet war in Afghanistan.
