Vladimir Steklov

The head coach of the Russian national rugby team returns to his hometown. He needs to start all over again - become an ordinary physical education teacher, assemble a team and make it a champion. But the team is too bright a definition for guys who can't stand each other. Yesterday's hooligans will have to unite to get the right to a better life and master the most gentlemanly sport.

The action of the film takes place on the territory of the karting track, where Yegor Matveyevich works and lives. One day his grandson Artyom comes to him - a modern teenager.

Sailor, Tillage and Salazhonok. They met only once, in the summer of 1945, in the Far East, in arms and with serious intentions. Everything ended in a firefight, and each of the participants is sure that he killed the other two. However, fate gave them all a long, eventful life. It will take more than half a century and in one of the days in different parts of the Earth there will be events associated with that fateful meeting of the summer of 1945, and the viewer will learn how she has drastically changed the life of each hero and not only.

Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from space. What military forces find outside the ring is shocking.


The TV show is about the Godunov family, which covers the period from the reign of Ivan the Terrible to the accession of Mikhail Romanov to the throne.


The film tells about Nursultan Nazarbayev who went into politics and made efforts to improve the existing at that time difficult situation in Kazakhstan’s metallurgy.

The film is dedicated to the first steps of mankind on the path of space exploration and direct the fate of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The main motif - the fight for the right to be first: the competition in the first cosmonaut, competition in missile technology, the confrontation of superpowers - the USSR and the USA. In the first group of astronauts were selected from three thousand fighter pilots across the country. In twenty of the legendary got the best of the best. Which of them will fly first, no one knew. In this way, had to contend not only with the pull of the earth ...


Москвич Андрей Котельников трудится охранником в ювелирном салоне и собирается возобновить прерванное обучение в медвузе. Неожиданно к нему в гости из Сибири приезжает армейский друг. Выведав у Андрея информацию о его рабочем графике и системе инкассации ювелирного салона, сибиряк организует ограбление, обеспечивает себе алиби и обставляет всё так, что Андрей становится главным подозреваемым в этом деле. Загнанный в угол Андрей совершает побег из-под стражи и в компании воровки Яны отправляется в Сибирь в надежде вернуть своё честное имя…


Yegor is a Russian special agent on a mission to Malta to catch Mikhail Shering fugitive. According to special services, Mikhail was in possession of documents of interest to both the government and the Russian mafia. Therefore, difficulties in bringing Mikhail begin and guns strafed.


"Всякая революция делается для того, чтобы воры и проститутки стали философами и поэтами", - Лев Троцкий. Женя Михайлов - сын итальянской революционерки и звезды Голливуда Тины Модотти, уехавшей в СССР и переспавшей с множеством высокопоставленных лиц. Когда-то Женя сделал фундаментальное открытие в области генетики. Но его не поняли, и он стал барменом. Известный писатель, появившийся однажды в баре, устроил Жене встречу с Михаилом Горбачевым. Тот Женю принял, понял и… организовал ему полет в космос. А новоиспеченный космонавт принял имя Ювеналий и объявил о своем невозвращении на Землю…

Based on the novels and stories of Eduard Limonov.


Colonel Fox is in charge of a counter terrorism group that will now have the complicated mission to help the police to prevent a dangerous Chechen terrorist organization that wants to free its leader at any cost, even if it has to destroy the whole place.


During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20 years, Platon finds himself the richest man in Russia, having sacrificed his friends to get to the top. But with this cynical rise, comes a brutal fall.


A story about love, hate and loneliness, depicting several days from the life of two brothers. They work as track walkers on a railway somewhere in rural Russia.


The mad day of the successful citizen — the electrician Vasily Ivanovich began with visit of the Commission on check of the complaint to the waste proceeding from the furnace. According to the findings of the Commission had to change the photo on the documents to a more similar one. And to invite lady in theater, had to turn off there light.


Prosecutor Azhogin, who sent many criminals to prison, by the will of fate himself ends up behind bars. He is placed in a cell with juvenile lawbreakers. The situation is far from the worst one. So thinks the Azhogin, who eventually becomes a true friend and mentor of his fourteen-year-old inmates...


A modern adaptation of a famous classis Ivan Turgenev novel.


“Hot spots” are those places on Earth where even in peacetime warfare is taking place. Major Larin, a border guard officer, arrived on a business trip to one of these “hot spots”.


A bizarre tale of a fictional experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger workforce.


In one of the American States committed a major Bank robbery, which killed two guards. Jim Conley, a Bank employee, is charged with the murder. With irrefutable evidence, attorney General Ted Talbot is seeking a death sentence for Conley. A day later, one of the witnesses confesses to the murder, a little later they find his corpse. Bolbat's career comes to an end. His friend and assistant, Leo Harman, knowing that Talbot cleverly framed, begins a full investigation into unthinkable intrigue.

Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..


A detective investigates the sudden suicide of his father who was one of a responsible for hiding Communist Party money persons.


Two school friends have not seen each other for twenty years. During this time, one became an aircraft engineer, the other a gold digger. Quite by chance, they met in a small town in the far north, and this meeting leads both to incredible and amazing adventures.


In Russia in the late 1960s, Elena will do anything to see that her son Yuri succeeds as a pianist: she longs for him to win a competition that will send him to Paris. To ensure his success, she denies her love for an iconoclastic painter for whom she models, prostitutes herself to a Party figure, encourages her son to break with his true love because the girl is a Jew, and, in general, behaves in paranoid ways, believing, for example, that a new lodger, Evgeny, is a KGB spy. She also has her own family secrets, which she will go to any length to keep her son from learning.


Spring of 1584. The Magi predict the death of King John within 24 hours. Warring boyars are rebelling and are ready to unite against Boris Godunov. The royal court is in turmoil. The already unstable moral principles become completely unbridled. Moscow is filled with violence, drunken orgies and the wild revelry of tsarist power.

Based on a true story of a sport star Bobrov, who happened to become befriended by Vasili, the son of Stalin.


Sergey Gusev, a thirty years old engineer from Moscow is kidnapped and forced to work in a mine.


The legendary commander of the Civil War, the winner of Wrangel arrives in the capital at the call of Stalin. In the capital, he is perplexed to learn that the Politburo at a special meeting decided to force him to operate on a long-standing ulcer. The attending physician is convinced that the operation is not needed, but, obeying party discipline, the old Bolshevik lies on the operating table.


A story about young girl Masha who is living in abandoned house and surrounded by the very strange company...


Mafia kidnaps an investigator's little son after he discovers massive thefts on a local shoe factory. With the help of his three old friends, two cops and a newspaper reporter he struggles to rescue his son and close the case at the same time.


The manufacturer lance Gerero on the basis of irrefutable evidence accused of killing a girl. However, the young lawyer still hopes to expose the criminals involved in the fabrication of false evidence, saving their customers from competitors…


Two young boys are trying to prevent a massive antiquities theft.


This is a story of a war between two powerful criminal gangs and their 'dons' (vory v zakone) in the communist Soviet Union. Corruption, cynical rhetoric, deaths of innocent people.


A group of "friends" are trying to solve a mysterious death of a factory director - and find the money he stole from them.


A young teenage boy zealously tracks down criminals in this allegorical drama. Using the code name of Plumbum, Ruslan Chutko (Anton Androsov) delights in the pursuits of lawbreakers before informing the police, and he even turns in his own father when he catches him poaching fish. The questions are left to the viewer whether or not Plumbum is a crusading hero or a scoundrel. Western audiences may find the premise implausible, but children were known to inform on their own parents under the regime of Josef Stalin and others.


“Without the Sun” is the first name that Gorky himself gave to his play and which most closely matches its essence. For this work is not about the "day" and its people, but about the indestructible, passionate desire of people from darkness to light, to the sun. "


A WWII veteran involved in crime activity suddenly finds out about an award granted to him posthumously during the war.


In a poor provincial town, the ragamuffin boys are frenziedly drilled for combat, and at nights the local elite, gathered in a pool room, boasts of fictitious biographies, while bands of boys amuse themselves with bloody fights on trashy vacant plots… One of the most vivid staples of the postwar childhood were pigeons. They could be bought, sold or stolen. One day a beautiful white dove appeared over the town. Risking his life, Ivan caught the White. And immediately became the target of the "pigeon" mafia…


A story about a launch of one of the first "Vostok" space ships in 1960.


A story about deep connection between young criminal and detective investigating him.


A village idiot youth hides a Jewish neighbor from the Germans.
