Vladimir Tuliev

Do you believe in fate - in ‘So it was written...’? Do you think our fate is determined when we are born and that we cannot escape it? Or do you think every human creates their own destiny - that every choice we make changes the course of our life?

In Stip, a small town in Macedonia, every January the local priest throws a wooden cross into the river and hundreds of men dive after it. Good fortune and prosperity are guaranteed to the man who retrieves it. This time, Petrunya dives into the water on a whim and manages to grab the cross before the others. Her competitors are furious - how dare a woman take part in their ritual? All hell breaks loose, but Petrunya holds her ground. She won her cross and will not give it up.


It’s another ordinary night for Deno and Sara. Their father is drunk as usual, and the two of them are taking care of him as usual. But in this instance, straying from routine brings their future into question. Ambi is a short movie about the adult in the child and the child in the adult. It is a movie about changing roles, the darkest nights, addiction, and failed trust. But it is also a movie about humanity and love, which conquer all.

A group of crotchety codgers attempt to revive the punk-rock band they all played in 17 years earlier in "Punk Is Not Dead".


Lonely little Marko loses everything he holds dear on his journey through a grim world, overtaken by a deadly virus and conflict-torn remains of humanity. Still, one dream gives him hope to push forward - to find the magic Fairy from his old picture book, that could be the mother he never had.
