Vladimir Valutskiy

An ordinary working class boy, like all his peers, he played football day and night and dreamed of being a striker. But no matter which team he played for - in the yard, at the factory, or in the army - he was inevitably put in goal.


The true-life, stranger-than-fiction tale of eighteenth-century Greek pirate turned merchant Ioannis Varvakis, who rose from humble beginnings to become the head of one of the largest mercantile empires in Europe.


Spring 1941. Center of Moscow. Duel of the two intelligence services turns more and more tense.


The story of a controlled supply (several tons of drugs), which was carried out by Soviet customs officers in close contact with US intelligence agencies. Alexander Vetrov, while performing a combat mission in Afghanistan, is captured by dushmans. The only chance for him to return to his homeland is to accompany the caravan with the load of its "owner". But neither he nor his "master" are aware that the secret services are already carrying the cargo ...


The story of admiral Aleksandr Kolchak who remained faithful to his oath to the Russian Emperor and fought against the Bolshevik rule after the 1917 October Revolution.


This is a story of a great love facing the greatest drama of the history of Russia. Admiral Kolchak is a true war hero and beloved husband and father. One day he meets Anna, the love of his life and the wife of his best friend. The revolution in his heart faces the revolution in his own country His destiny is to become the Supreme Rules of Russia.


Tiny Soviet village by the sea, in the years before the Second World War... A very young girl, Vera, falls madly in love with an older military officer who is visiting from out of town. She leaves her home and family to live with him in various military posts where he serves with the army. Through the difficulties of army life, and years of war, her love for this older man survives, and she gives herself completely without reservation. This film is about friendship, loss, survival, loyalty, and the wonderful gift of unconditional love, which is only given to a few.


Ana starts falling in love with an ecologist engineer that comes with her father who is from Russia.


The film depicts the events of 1964 when Nikita Khrushchyov was forcibly replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as a head of USSR.


Olga, married to a reach American businessman, returns to Russia after six years.


The trio of adventurous pals, a man who is a scientist, a fine lady and a former military pilot are in the Tibetian jungles looking for some mysterious vase that holds a metal container that is of no mundane origin.


Monsieur Perrichon, a rich coachbuilder by profession, is an honest but vain member of the bourgeoisie who decides to take a pleasure trip in the company of his wife Caroline and his daughter Henrietta. The family, deciding on a train journey to the Swiss Alps, arrive at Gare de Lyon in Paris where they happen upon two young suitors, both with the same goal of marrying Henrietta. Over the course of the journey, the two men are involved in an honorable but fierce struggle for the young lady's hand in marriage.


Olga, is a young intelligent woman who raises a young son. She ends up falling in love with a married man who does not dare to leave his family.


Based on a mongolian tale.

A family hires a babysitter who seems to possess magical powers.


The story about an enamored singing dog who isn't thoroughbred - that's a minus, but honorable - that's a plus.


After upsetting the criminal underground in 'the Master Blackmailer' case, Sherlock Holmes has to face his archenemy: Prof. Moriarty.


Dr. Watson executes Sherlock Holmes' will, who faced death after exposing Moriarty and his gang in the previous episode.


Mycroft Holmes hands Sherlock Holmes the case of the Master Blackmailer.


This movie is about a rocket pilot named Pirx who is hired to go on a mission to evaluate some nonlinears (robots) for use as crewmembers on future space flights. Pirx and his crew, made up of nonlinears and humans, are sent out to launch two satellites into the rings of Saturn. Upon returning to Earth there is an inquest to determine if Pirx was responsible for the "accident." In the end, it is found that one of the robots caused the malfunction in an attempt to kill the human crewmembers and Pirx is cleared of all charges. In this tale Lem puts forth the idea that what is perceived a human weakness is in fact an advantage over a perfect machine. Pirx defeats the robot, because a human can hesitate, make wrong decisions, have doubts, but a robot cannot. A similar idea is present in Isaac Asimov's Robot Series, where putting a robot in a position where it cannot chose between the Three laws of robotics fries its positronic brain.


The film is based on the play of the same name by the national poet of Bashkortostan Mustai Karim. The events of the film take place in the XVII century. Drama from the history of the Bashkir people.

The of an actor in a provincial theatre.


A large group of children from different countries sail to the Black Sea port, heading for the international pioneer camp "Artek". Two stragglers of foreigners meet local teenagers who arrange a tour of the port for them.


The main characters are two graduates of a music school, gifted violinists. Andrei is ambitious, able-bodied, absorbed in the desire to achieve recognition. The other is Ladya Bragin, simple and reckless. On the day of the exam at the conservatory, he meets a girl who works as a clown, and immediately decides to stay in the circus. The creative successes of the heroes do not immediately and not simply take shape. Their will, their conviction of a calling, are severely tested. And yet both come to understand what happiness music can give and how much it demands from a musician...

Sergey Savinov, a yesterday's schoolboy, who failed at his entry exams, is at the crossroads. Where to go to work? After working as a stand-by in a local recreation-and-entertainment park, he tries himself as a proof-reader in typography, a laboratory assistant in a plant and exhausts all his stock of photos for passes. To replenish it, he heads for a nearest photo saloon, and makes a conclusion, that his calling, which he long considered as a hobby, is photography. A work which brings so much happiness both to him and to other people.


A heroic drama about a submarine sailors of Russian Northern Fleet during the WWII.


After a photo of Konstantin Zbruyev got published in the magazine he got a lot of letters. So now it's a time for travel across the country in order to find a bride.


A group of high school students, after all the lies on April 1st, decide to do a Day of Truth on April 3rd.


Young patriotic young man ends up in the on Chukotka right after the civil war, where he intends to spread ideas of justice and equality among the natives. As it happens, instead he learn the local capitalist ways, and he start profitable fur trading with US, Japanese and other merchants.
