Vladimir Vysotsky

Over the years, so much has been said about Vladimir Vysotsky that behind the pile of memories of people who knew him, the living Vysotsky gradually disappears. They say that Vladimir Vysotsky lived the way he wrote and sang his songs! You can create a legend about him as much as you like, make a monument out of him, but there is an absolutely real Vysotsky, whom each of us can recognize and understand. This Vysotsky has been preserved forever in fragments of newsreels, in the lyrics of his songs, in his voice. And that's where he's real…

The film tells about one of the most beautiful love stories of the 20th century. According to everyone who witnessed the relationship between the famous French actress Marina Vlady and the great Russian poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky, it was that extraordinary love that we usually read about only in books. Marina Vladi herself will share her memories in an exclusive interview. The film contains rare documentary footage with Vladimir Vysotsky.

A story about two old people living in the abandoned faraway village.


After WWII is over, a young officer Volodya Sharapov returns to Moscow to work in MUR - Moskovskiy Ugolovny Rozysk (Moscow Criminal Police). There he meets Gleb Zheglov who is a chief of a squad which fights organized crime. Their main task is to track down a gang "Chernaya Koshka" (Black Cat) which terrorizes the city. Also, they have to find out who murdered Larisa Gruzdeva. Zheglov believes it was her husband Ivan Gruzdev, but Sharapov has his doubts about it...


Kolya Kasatkin, who saw in his wife Tanyusha the ideal of female charm, tenderness, kindness, who loved her to the point of oblivion, was at a loss before the idle conversations of well-wishers about his wife's betrayal. Having found his wife with the choir director, Nikolai demanded a divorce. Continuing to love each other, the former spouses are unhappy in separation. Kasatkin's new hasty marriage did not return his peace of mind. In daily agony, in the pursuit of a past life, he also lost his old dream — to live and work in the Far East, where he served in the army. Both realized too late that love does not forgive hasty decisions, that it must be able to keep and protect.


Peter the Great takes a Russian man of African heritage - Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal - under his wing as the tsar builds his grand navy. After having a disastrous affair in France, Ibrahim vows to never fall in love again, until he sees the daughter of a wealthy boyar. Peter the Great insists the two be married, but Ibrahim goes against the tsar's wishes, refusing to force her to marry him since she doesn't consent. When another man tries to marry her, however, Ibrahim's loyalties and generous nature are put to the test.


Partisans attack a column of hundred german trucks cisterns, that carry fuel to the front. However, their action is difficult, as Germans have chained Soviet prisoners to the driving wheels. The mission is to stop and destroy the column and save the lives of the prisoners.


A man decides to escape into the future by the way of hibernation. When he wakes up, feeling lucky that the experiment worked out well, the staff of the hibernation company politely walks him to the outside were he finds a post atomic war desert… He wakes up! Thank God it was just a dream! Or was it?


With a traditional archery contest, the winner wins a silver arrow with gold lace and gold feathers. Even Robin Hood, although unrecognizable, takes part in this competition. As more and more participants are losing and Robin Hood eventually wins the award, his masquerade reveals. For none of the participants is as handy with a bow and an arrow like Robin Hood. With the help of his coolness and his friends Robin Hood may escape the dangerous situation.


A film based on the story of the same name by Grigory Gorin. An employee of a certain SRI Potapov is a liar and an opportunist. But he does not even know that he is committing low things.


Dramatic story about two young men, two intellectuals of the 1890th. It is a story about a complex human character. Being tortured by ignorance and boredom of life, clerk Laevsky is longing to break the depraved circle of his existence. His moral antipode, naturalist Von Coren is sure that people like Laevsky are worth being destroyed. But regardless characters' will and desires, providence deals with their lives in its own way...


American journalist gets a sensational material but is afraid to publish it...


Based on the events that took place in Odessa in 1910, when, on the instructions of the Foreign Bureau of the RSDLP, a prominent Bolshevik underground worker arrived in the city under the guise of a French timber merchant, who was to organize the delivery of illegal literature to Russia through the Odessa port. The task can be completed. In Odessa, a variety show theater was created, which, having gained fame, toured Russia and received "theater props" from France...


1942, the German Wehrmacht is trying to capture the Baku oilfields at the Black sea. Their biggest obstacle are the Caucasian Mountains and few Russians soldiers to stop them. The story revolves around an important Mountain Pass, that is heavily contested by both sides.


Based on the story of Boris Mozhayev “The Power of the Taiga”. In the taiga village, where everyone is in sight, almost unbelievable happens — a local store is robbed. One of the rafters of the forest is recognized as a hacker. But some “inconsistencies” haunt the young precinct Vasily Seryozhkin. And in the end, he goes on the trail of the true participants in the crime...


Set during the last days of the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. The Crimea Peninsula is the last stronghold of the White Guard, and the Red Army is planning the final assault. The first story line of the movie follows two Red Army soldiers: unlikely friends Nekrasov and Karyakin. The second story line is about a White Guard officer Brusentsov who is devoted to Russia and his cause but sees it being destroyed day by day.


The movie is set during the last days of a foreign intervention against Soviet Russia. Police are searching everywhere for a Bolshevik named Brodsky but cannot find him. Meanwhile, a man named Michel Voronov serves as a teacher to a rich woman's son, Zhen'ka.


Country girl Nadia moves to the city and becomes a maid in Valya's apartment. Valya, who is a member of the local District Committee, does not know that Nadia fell in love with her currently absent husband, a geologist named Maksim, when he had visited Nadia's village during a recent expedition.


In the mountains, they stand alone against whatever will happen. For the several days they live in nature, they can rely only on themselves and each other. Elsewhere, there is always a fallback - here one is without a safety. This in itself can bring some to terror - the terror of having to rely on yourself - your own judgment, wits and fortitude. This is also the most incredible feeling of strength and independence. Knowing there is no safety means having to be one's own safety.


This film, aptly titled "I Come from My Childhood" (a quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupery), is a deeply moving, heartfelt, lyrical memory piece about wartime childhood. Making very effective use of a distinctive cinematic idiom of the 1960s, the filmmakers authentically recreate the sights and sounds of a half-ruined town in recently liberated Belorussia where life is gradually returning to normal in 1945. The focus is on children, undernourished, poorly clothed, and emotionally scarred. Yet they have not given up their dreams and hopes and are making plans for a peaceful future. The film wonderfully captures the spirit of wartime friendship, solidarity, and common sacrifice. There is a refreshing harmony in the way this close-knit community is coping with the devastation and losses, clearing the wreckage, and rebuilding the houses.


Based on the play of the same name by Anatoly Sofronov. In one of the Kuban collective farms, a new beauty-cook has appeared. Many began to look after her, but the girl was not a timid dozen and quickly gave a turn to the unlucky boyfriends from the gate. However, true love found a way to her heart, and although human envy and stupidity have done many troubles, the lovers still managed to unravel this complex tangle of misunderstandings.


A story of a four sons of a big Ivanov family who are trying to start their own independent life.


A crafty swindler, appointed to be a coach of an amateur sports team, came up with a cheat plan for victory - secretly recruit a number of professional players to his team.


A sailor spends only one day on a shore but during this day he meets a lot of people and even meets a girl who is going to wait for him.


Dmitry Gorin is awaiting the post of branch manager of a savings bank. But one day he accidentally gives an extra amount to a person who works in the taiga on the construction of the Siberia-Ural power transmission line. To return the money, Dmitry has to go to the taiga. But he is not in a hurry to return to Moscow. The fact is that he discovers a completely different life, which he likes, and meets the girl he dreamed of


Transatlantic flight 713 is in trouble because the pilot and crew are poisoned while flying above the ocean. Now the passengers have to take control to save their lives.
