Vladimir Zamanskiy

Visually astonishing, erotically charged and emotionally jarring. '100 Days Before the Command' is Hussein Erkenov's courageous and stinging indictment of communism. Five young Red Army recruits struggle for survival against the merciless violence that surrounds them on a daily basis. Their only means of saving their dignity is by preserving the humanity and compassion they share for each other.


The hero of social drama, a young prosecutor, is engaged in repressed cases in the mid-50s. Behind each of the fabricated charges is a human tragedy; together they form a monstrous picture of lawlessness triumphing in the country. However, there are other laws - the laws of conscience, which no power can not cancel and destroy ...


This bleak late soviet-era drama follows the career of Malyanov, a young medical school graduate who has been sent to work in Turkmenia. Here he runs into a hodge-podge of people of differing ethnicities, all of them victims of the government's earlier mania for relocating and eliminating whole ethnic groups and classes of people. These desperately unhappy people are unable to find any pleasure in this diverse companionship, but instead are antagonistic to it, and often resort to desperate measures in their doomed attempts to ease their pain.


This movie is based on a novel by Boris Vasiliev and describes life in a small Russian provincial town in 1940 - one year before Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The main characters of the film are ordinary Soviet high school students. They study in the Soviet school, try to be correct and ideological Komsomol activists. But not always the “correctness” suggested by the teachers coincides with the inner convictions of young souls - it is difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that their relatives and loved ones are suddenly “enemies of the people”.


At the passenger plane following the flight Khabarovsk - Sverdlovsk, two engines caught fire. Three hours of flight to the destination, in addition, the bands are closed according to weather conditions, and the aircraft can only survive in the air for 15 minutes. It is necessary to take the only right decision to prevent trouble. Having requested the nearest port of embarkation, the ship's commander was refused - and at his own peril and risk continued flight ...

A former Soviet officer returns to Germany forty years after WWII...


A drama of Alexandra Ivanovna - a director of a foster home.


One day in a life of a general during the fights of 1941...


Far East. Military unit. The days of the border guards are filled with ordinary human concerns and joys. But the habitual rhythm of life is often disturbed, because near the border and the ocean, concealing the danger of a tsunami ...

Egor Polushkin (Stanislav Lyubshin) is a kind-hearted, nature loving, artistic family man who is living in a small village. To his neighbors and even his wife (Nina Ruslanova) he is a walking disaster, so they frown at him and call him Bedonosec (engl. misfortune bearer). Only Egors son (Viktor Anisimov) shares his enthusiasm for the beautiful things of live. As Egor becomes the new forest ranger, this new position brings him not only joy, but it is also the source of great suffering to come, as his fondness for the living nature and especially the newly acquired white swans is in conflict with the interests of others...


A young officer organizes a dance group in the blockaded Leningrad in 1942.


A heroic story about Soviet sailors fighting Nazis during WWII.


A story about old Gypsy man Budulay, his troubled life and the difficult love to Russian woman.


The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. Peasant Matryona Bystrova loses her husband at the front, then her eldest son goes missing. Matryona decides to save the youngest son at all costs and shelters him from being drafted into the army in the attic of the house until the end of the war. But it turns out that saving her son, she condemns him to spiritual death, and herself to torment of conscience. A private story about the mother of a deserter grows to epic proportions...


During the flight, the hero of the film, the boxing champion, recalls his life's journey. The hero’s childhood was in the first post-war years. He grew up without a father, his mother was busy with work, his older brother was in prison, the relationship with the new stepfather did not work out, and the boy was brought up on the street. There he learned to fight, and this led him to the boxing ring. Over time, the stubborn street boy became the champion of Europe.


Action film about the Russian paratroopers.


Kolya Kasatkin, who saw in his wife Tanyusha the ideal of female charm, tenderness, kindness, who loved her to the point of oblivion, was at a loss before the idle conversations of well-wishers about his wife's betrayal. Having found his wife with the choir director, Nikolai demanded a divorce. Continuing to love each other, the former spouses are unhappy in separation. Kasatkin's new hasty marriage did not return his peace of mind. In daily agony, in the pursuit of a past life, he also lost his old dream — to live and work in the Far East, where he served in the army. Both realized too late that love does not forgive hasty decisions, that it must be able to keep and protect.


Students collect scrap metal, waste paper, vials. It is competition between the two classes. Hooked guys sometimes forget that the competition is not a goal but a means. They remove caps from someone else's car, watered grandmother's medications to collect more vials, interfere with the Garik Evrumyan's friendship with a girl.

A young and ambitious engineer comes into conflict with old-fashioned structures that don't acknowledge his honesty.


During the WWII, Olga and Sergey loved each other, but after the war ended Sergey did not want to bind himself with responsibilities of a married life and lied to Olga to make her believe that their marriage is impossible. Years passed by and they met accidentally at an airport.


A first episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazi occupation of Russia during WWII. The film is set in August of 1941, when the Nazi forces invaded and occupied the European part of Russia. Major Mlynsky is in charge of the special group of partisans. His group is absorbing other small groups of Russian soldiers, who managed to survive from the attacks of the overwhelming Nazi forces. The Nazi Armies are advancing to Moscow. Major Mlynsky is organizing the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazis, behind the enemy lines.


A lyric comedy about eight-graders, their life and first love...


A Russian POW joins the partisan guerrillas and proves his loyalty fighting the Nazis. Filmed in 1971, but "shelved" until 1986.


A detective investigating the robbery also tries to help young man to avoid criminal future.


The film is about a group of people who in other times wouldn't have anything in common, some of them innocent bystanders, some moral criminals. But nothing is straightforward and simple. From Russia "the run" continues to Constantinople, to Paris, back to Russia. Some of them have understood that they can't live outside Russia and go back maybe to be happy, maybe not, some go back to face sure death for their crimes, some don't go back and know that are going to miss homeland forever, some are comfortably well off (are they?) in exile. Sentimental without syrup, tragic and comical at the same time.


1918. Workers from Petrograd come to Altai region to establish the first agricultural commune. In spite of the hostility of the local White Army cossacks the workers build houses, cultivate land. The poor peasants are turning towards the commune. However, White Army cossacks take vengeance on the members of the commune.


Based on the story by Yulian Semyonov "Dunechka and Nikita." One day in the life of a simple Soviet family. Spouses Stepanov's on that day decided to terminate the marriage, for which they need to appear in the people's court. This day is not the most successful for them. They leave their little daughter Dunya to the brother of Nadya Stepanova — Nikita. But for him this is also not a very successful day: recording on the radio, an exam at a theater institute, and even a quarrel with his girlfriend...


Spring, 1944. The Great Patriotic war. The German fascists are still in Sevastopol. A fierce combat is taking place there. At the same time in Yalta, which has already been freed, life goes on peacefully. People believe that the war has left them, that it is far away and no longer dangerous… But the torpedo motor-boat squadron stationed in Yalta is still having a hard time. Every day Soviet marines undertake dangerous sorties towards the German-occupied Sevastopol.


Based on the novel of the same name by Aleksandr Lukin and Dmitriy Polyanovskiy. Russia, 1919. A young soldier of the First Cavalry Army, Aleksei Mikhalyov, is sent to work in the provincial Cheka. Here in the south of the country there is a large White Guard underground led by the elusive Markov. Aleksei gets into the gang, where he is mistaken for his own. The day of the operation to eliminate the white underground is appointed. But unforeseen circumstances destroy the plans of the Chekists.


A young girl Svetlana just arrived to the small town when a war begun. Her fiancé Igor did not meet Svetlana so she stayed alone to wait for him.


1941 year. The Siberian carpenter Kuzma Kroykov arrived in Moscow as part of a rifle company. In a line of fighters, he walked through the streets of Moscow at night and in a village near Moscow met Varvara Oknova. Resolute, tall and beautiful, she won his heart. But soon the protracted terrible battles for Moscow began...


Seven year old Sasha practices violin every day to satisfy the ambition of his parents. Already withdrawn as a result of his routines, Sasha quickly regains confidence when he accidentally meets and befriends worker Sergei, who works on a steamroller in their upscale Moscow neighborhood.


Pilot Losev, who lost his family during the war, learns that his daughter Aurika was saved during the bombing, and sets off in search of her. The former pilot will survive many fates and stories before a familiar chorus of a lullaby helps him to recognize his daughter in a random fellow traveler.
