Vyacheslav Molokov

Already a middle-aged but still unrecognized artist, Arkady Sinikhin, on the very eve of New Year, was expelled by his wife from home. While wandering the streets, Sinikhin accidentally finds the receiver of a mobile phone, which he threw out of the militia, a bear thief. Thanks to someone else's phone, Arkady finds out the place where the thieves' booty is hidden, and finds himself at a high-society party. Here he meets the owner of the art gallery Apollon Kostanakis. Having drunk fairly, a couple of new friends decided to appropriate the gangster stash and arrange an exhibition-sale of Sinihin's paintings. But the first visitor to this exhibition is a robbed bear-thief who is eager to get his money back ...


Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authorities appear to have forgotten about him so this leaves him free to work his chams on the village postmistress, Njura, untill the local militia are tipped off.


The ancient northern monastery has a guide Tatyana. Two former classmates seek her favors: medical student Ivan and young businessman Yves (that is, also Ivan). As a result of a fall from a balloon, the girl is in a coma. Only Ivan Voronov can deduce from this state if he is near. He decides to help his beloved by entering into intimacy with her. The nurse who discovered them reports to the police. Ivan was arrested as a "maniac", and the life of TANI is under threat again ... "


This is a last of 3 movies about 3 friends (the other two are "Kortik" and "Bronzovaya Ptitsa"). The gang has grown up and in this movie they discover and help to stop criminal activity on the factory and in their neighborhood.
