Vytautas Tomkus

At the end of the 19th century, proud but poor fisherman Jurgaitis gets imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. His beautiful daughter Elze is sent to live with rich German merchant Michael. There she falls for his son Endrik.


The Grand Duke of Lithuania Skirgaila locks up the Duchess of Lida Ona Duonute in his castle and forces her to marry him.

Two detectives are fighting a criminal gang which is steeling goods from the abandoned radioactive area.


Evolving grim drama of love and wealth. The action takes you to the pre-war and shows the different social strata in rural life, everyday life, passions.


Young Sasha is brought into a state-run children's home because his mother died early and his father spends most of his life in prison. The conditions are like in a penal institution. Sasha tries several times to escape and to search for his father.


A man sees his picture on a 'Most Wanted' board and after going to police he meets someone who looks suspiciously similar to him.


Russian film transplanting the tragic tale of Donald Crowhurst into then-contemporary anti-capitalist thought.


Members of the Shield and Helmet Masonic Lodge, sent by the CIA, are preparing a coup in one of the western countries. The criminal chronicle reporter manages to infiltrate the headquarters of the conspirators. The information he produces will play a decisive role in preventing the putsch. However, the successful journalist soon became convinced that he had discovered only the tip of the iceberg...


The film takes us back to Crimea, during Nazi occupation. Hayk Margaryan, a member of an underground organization, saves a painting by Aivazovsky, which Hitler's soldiers tried to smuggle from Theodosia.

Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas attempt to flight over Atlantic ocean.


Ivanhoe is the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. It follows the Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who is out of favor with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the Third Crusade, when many of the Crusaders were still returning to their homes in Europe. King Richard, who had been captured by Leopold of Austria on his return journey to England, was believed to still be in captivity.


Biopic about Niccolo Paganini. He receives training from his father in early childhood. The best teachers of Parma are unable to give him more, so Paganini turns to a daily 15 hours of rigorous self-training. He makes sensational concert tours in Vienna, Paris, London and many other cities of Europe. He is always playing from memory, wearing black, and his stage appearance supports the rumors of his supernatural abilities. He is a wealthy man, but gambling and reckless spending forces him to pawn his violin. He is given a Guarneri violin by a wealthy listener to keep. He later gives this violin to the city if Genoa. The Paganini's violin is played by Leonid Kogan in this film.


Russian naval pilots risk death to help stop a American Submarine whose defective reactor threatens a nuclear meltdown.


A chronicle of the Russian and Mexican revolutions in the early 20th century.


Something about U Chertova Logova

Musician Stefan meets a young attractive woman Lidia. Stefan is going on tour to Austria, and Lydia, "accidentally" remembering her Viennese acquaintance, asks to give her a souvenir from Moldova. In Vienna, Stefan is met by people who are well aware of his private life and even familiar with his diary. The musician begins to suspect something is wrong, but when his daughter's well-being is threatened, Stefan becomes truly worried...

A classic mystery based on "The Face in the Target" story by G.K. Chesterton.


В 1944 году из Рижского художественного музея при отступлении нацистов была похищена картина Энгра "Рафаэль и Форнарина". Прошли годы. Во время международного ралли один из автогонщиков обнаружил полотно в дверце автомобиля. Он подумал, что картину контрабандой перевозил его старший напарник-штурман, но тот убедил парня, что полотно им подложили, чтобы они не могли попасть в олимпийскую сборную. Он не поверил, но и сдать картину начальнику пробега не решился. Происходят и другие загадочные события. А за ними уже следили. Самое важное - выйти на тех, кто должен забрать украденное произведение искусства...


Two cash collectors are found burned with their car but the bag is missing. Two detectives - Aleksandr Sanin and Aleksey Tulyakov are investigating the crime.


Devil-may-care-attitude, consequences of easy money and power. Understanding of things that comes too late.


A Red Army officer Polevoy possesses a navy dirk with a secret message encrypted in its handle. The second part of a message belongs to a White army officer Nikitskiy. It's up to three young friends of Polevoy to uncover the mystery.


This movie is a story of the legendary Lithuanian peasant- Tadas Blinda (1846-1877), a Lithuanian folk hero of the 19th century often compared to Robin Hood. He is shown as a leader of serfs battling and ridiculing the Polish landlords and the Russian Empire that governed Lithuania, Lithuania after the law about the end of serfdom. The movie is a an intense drama with a mix of cruelty and love, comic situations and jokes, heroism and treason.


Based upon the story by R. L. Stevenson, the film shows Orson Welles as Long John Silver, pirate chief, who would like to find hidden treasure.


One summer day in small village by the river.


During WWII Red Army sailor suddenly gets to German underwater swimmers secret base...


The film is set in Lithuania after the Second World War. It shows dramatic events in a small Lithuanian farming community, where people are split between the Soviets and the "brothers in the woods", who are fighting to defend their land from the Soviets after the end of the Second World War.
