W. Chrystie Miller

No doubt the old antique dealer was prejudiced against his junior clerk. After frequent shortages, the clerk's visit to the gambling house was reported by the detective and he was discharged. In truth, he had gone to find the senior clerk, who owed him money which he needed for his mother, hovering close to the edge of life. By sharp detective work, the designs of the senior clerk were frustrated.

A farmer has saved all his life to pay for his daughter's wedding, but when his brother is fired from his job on the oil rig, the wedding must be postponed and the money put to the more pressing need. The farmer, now himself destitute, is forced to put his house up for sale to repay his creditors. Meanwhile, a man from the oil syndicate discovers oil on the farmer's land. Moving quickly, the syndicate tries to buy the farm before the farmer knows what he is selling. -Harpodeon


A butcher boy steals meat to give to a beggar woman and is ultimately rewarded for his kindness.

The supposition was that she was born a tease, for from her first teeth to the time she was almost grown, she vented her witcheries on her unsuspecting parents and the wild things of her mountain home. But that was before the man from the valley lost his way and later found it back again, bearing away the little tease to the valley. While she suffered the qualms of broken faith, her father passed through a like struggle, for he felt the precepts of the "beloved book" had failed him. He closed the door of his cabin upon the world and the light from his window, lighting the wayfarer over the mountain path, disappeared. The struggle over, it came hack in its place in time to beckon the little tease as she left the valley behind.


It was Christmas Eve in the south, but the spirit of peace and love did not pervade the northern girl's heart. The gallantry of the young southern swains, however, was more than manifest, when a drunken band of Unionists entered the house, among them her sweetheart. From him was protection needed most. His rival, a Confederate soldier, showed her that character is far above political principle, and true love came into its own.

Summoned to the trading post, granddad promised the girls the money from the deal. He remained true to the end, though it seemed for a time as if his purpose would never he fulfilled. Cunning minds were thwarted and the girl received a double promise.


A Western action film about two men who escape from prison to take revenge on the person who betrayed them. Harry’s actions ensure that William and his friend get sent to prison. They escape, and want to take revenge on Harry. Harry's wife warns the sheriff, and as William and his friend are chasing Harry on horseback, they are shot by the sheriff.


After a lifetime of hard work, Dad consents to live with his married daughter in the city. The young couple try to make him forget work. Ill at ease under his enforced idleness, he makes a deal with a disabled old street cleaner to keep his job. Finding him out, the young folks give in, and it's "back to the farm" for Dad.

The hardship of earning an existence for the family made it impossible for the mother to approve the little pretty things which her daughter liked. Lack of attention made her son dissolute, but later the sturdy stock of his mother showed in him and the cozy home he provided for dad and sister made them forget the past.


Just before she dies, an elderly married woman stashes the horde of money she's secretly accumulated beneath the false bottom of an old shipping trunk. After her death, her husband, believing himself penniless, has to leave their old home and move in with his son's family, where he's treated with no respect or consideration. Also on the scene is a newly-hired kindly young housekeeper. She and the old gentleman become close friends and eventually run away together (taking the old shipping trunk with them).


Elusive as is the pursuit of pirate gold it is found in this picture and brought to the ship by the very mutineers themselves. Here fate intervenes with justice and the miscreant mate after a series of exciting adventures is outwitted through his own weakness.

A Mexican is thrown out of a bar by a young prospector and swears to get even. Later he kidnaps the prospector's wife. In the meantime a group of drunkards shoot and kill an old Indian man. His son (Robert Harron) vows revenge and asks the tribal chief for help. The chief, however, knows better and tells him that revenge is useless. Robert Harron disobeys and mobilizes all young warriors for battle. The plot thickens. The prospector and the Mexican, who holds his wife captive, start shooting each other. However, when the Indians attack, these two make a temporary truce and join forces against the common enemy.


The young lover leaving home at the opening of the war to join the Confederate Army, tells his brother to take care of his fatherless sweetheart during the perilous times which are to follow. But the brother weakens and fails to be true to his trust. He permits her to believe that her lover is dead. Caught in the neighborhood, however, between the lines of the enemy, the brother appears before them at the crucial moment. In retaliation the false brother turns informer. Both forces are aroused to arms and during the attack upon the girl defending her wounded lover and family alone in the negro's cabin retribution comes in the form of a stray bullet.


When the double wedding takes two daughters away from the old man at once, the youngest, now the only one left, in outraged spirit promises never to leave her father, but soon she too is departing for a new home. Then comes a cold hard fact of life. The son-in-law claims his right to make a home alone for his wife. In his bitterness and anger, the father denies them both the house. Several years later the lonely old man meets at the gate a babe in arms. When he learns whose baby it is, heart hunger craves another sight, and sought, brings with it the only natural result.


A young woman who works mending fishermen's nets is engaged to be married. But her fiancé has an old love who refuses to let him go. Further, his former girlfriend has a brother who is willing to use violence to protect his sister's honor.


An elderly actor who lives with his wife and daughter is dismissed from his acting job because he is considered too old. On his way home from the theatre he panics at the thought of telling his family the bad news and decides to disguise himself as a beggar. His daughter's beau accidentally gives him a five dollar gold piece, thinking that it was a smaller coin. A chase ensues with a policeman, the daughter, and her beau in hot pursuit. When caught he is recognized by his shocked daughter, but is quickly forgiven by all. Meanwhile the actor hired to replace him has already been fired and a messenger is dispatched to rehire the Old Actor to the delight of his wife, daughter, and fellow actors.


A man tells his grandchildren about prehistoric man. Weakhands is unable to court a woman because of his physical weakness. Humiliated by Bruteforce, he bumps into Lillywhite, who has also been cowering since her mother died. But when they venture out in search of breakfast, Bruteforce separates the couple and sends Weakhands scrambling into a cave. There, he hits upon the design for a club: A rock on the end of a stick. With this equalizer, he soon vanquishes Bruteforce and wins Lillywhite back again.


A lonely old widower arrives in town and seeks out a pleasant boarding place. The house he selects may be pleasant and homelike, but most of all it is owned by a widow, and managed by her daughter. The widow and the widower are impressed with each other at first sight and a romance is imminent. However, the widower realizes his hair is both white and scant and feels that unless he looks a little younger, his chances with the widow are slim. He writes to a hair tonic manufacturer for aid. While trying to keep the letter hidden from the widow, she becomes suspicious and imagines it is from another woman, so she turns about to make him jealous. Eventually a unique trick of fate smooths out all their misunderstandings.


A first-born baby girl, is sent away and placed in the care of Gretchen, a trusted peasant woman, who is the widowed mother of a child about the same age. The two children grow up as sisters. Later, upon her deathbed, the noble lady repents and sends for her child to reinstate her. Gretchen takes this opportunity to make a great lady of her own daughter Lena, the goose girl, by sending her to court instead of the real heiress. Hence Lena is taken before the noble lady as she breathes her last, happy in the belief that she has made reparation. Lena is now a great lady, but the title does not fit well. She longs to be back with Gretchen and her "geeses".


A short film directed by Wilfred Lucas for the Biograph Company.

Set in a tenement boarding house, a lonely confirmed bachelor occupies a room across the hall from a dour spinster. Children run amok in the hallways playing pranks. Believing the bachelor perpetrated one particular prank, the spinster woman enters his room to confront him. She is followed by a neighbor child. Meanwhile, the other children have stolen a scarlet fever quarantine sign and posted it on the bachelor's door.


The Goddess, the prettiest and best natured girl that ever graced that little mining town, meets the tenderfoot prospector and leaves him another worshiper of her. His chances, however, are slim for Blue-grass Pete has won her affections, he having at an opportune moment saved her from the fangs of a snake which was about to attack her.


When the Great Chief's body is placed before the funeral pile by his mourning braves, his sacred blanket is covered over it and a sentinel left to watch that this, his last resting place, is not desecrated. The tribe has just departed for their village when a mountain outlaw appears and succeeds in stealing the blanket, having given the sentinel doctored whiskey. When the Indians discover this they exile the unfaithful sentinel until he can recover the blanket.

A young woman takes over her sick father's role as telegraph operator at a railway station, and has to deal with a team intent on train robbery.


A struggling young seamstress supports her elderly parents by working at home. The landlord offers free rent for sex, but she declines. He threatens foreclosure, but she is saved when a large sewing order comes her way. She rushes to the landlord’s office to arrange for an extension on the rent, encounters the landlord’s son, and leaves an ambiguous message saying only that she must see the landlord on important business. The old man receives the message and leaves for her apartment. His son, unaware of his father’s lechery, innocently follows after him to convey an urgent business message. When he walks in on his father attacking the seamstress, he interferes, denounces the old man, and provides the girl’s family with food and medical help.


A young woman who is engaged to a millionaire she doesn't love meets and falls in love with a rough sailor.


An elderly carpenter is told by a doctor that his wife is seriously ill. Soon afterwards, an insensitive shop foreman lays him off from his job because of his age. Unable to find work, and with his wife's condition getting worse, he soon becomes desperate


Bessie, the new school teacher, arrives at the little western village, and on her way to the school she meets a gang of cowboys who bestow boxes of candy and other little offerings. Not long after the girl is seized with a jumping toothache. Each boy suggests a cure, but without success. Tom, however, now appears and offers a cure. He leaves her a note stating if she will submit to his treatment he will guarantee to cure her toothache. She is in such agony that she is inclined to submit to anything, and so, though not knowing what the cure may be, consents. After great preliminaries Tom administers a resounding kiss upon her cheek..

The orphan girl of San Gabriel meets and is attracted by a Spanish stranger. The Spaniard is accused of cheating and set to be lynched, but is saved by the girl's ruse, who later becomes his bride.


A pretty young woman attempts to help a poor, old couple while attracting the attention of a handsome doctor.


After her mother's death, Ruth struggles to support herself as a seamstress. While Ruth delivers shirts to the factory owner, the owner's son steals some money and Ruth is accused of the crime. She flees the ghetto of New York's Lower East Side and hides in the country where a young farmer takes her in and they fall in love


In Camarillo, principality of the Spanish dominion, there lived two brothers, Jose and Manuel. Born in a noble Spanish family and reared by a mother noble in both station and character, they were vastly different morally. Jose was a dutiful son and upright young man, while Manuel was the black sheep. It was on Easter Sunday morning during the processional that Manuel appears in an intoxicated condition and foully ridicules the priests and acolytes as they enter the chapel of the old mission. At this the mother's pride is hurt beyond endurance and she exiles her profligate son from her forever. Manuel is shunned as a viper and while making his way along the road, meets Pedro, the notorious political outlaw, who sympathizes with him and offers him inducements to join him, and so takes him to his camp. Meanwhile, Jose woos and wins the Red Rose of Capistran and the day for the wedding is set.


A rural schoolmaster, beloved by his pupils, is dismissed from his teaching post when the county’s visiting school inspector is mildly ridiculed in a cartoon which a mischievous pupil has drawn on a blackboard. When the schoolmaster’s replacement attempts to teach a class, he is driven from the school by the angry pupils. The pupils then go to the school commissioners and successfully insist on the reinstatement of their teacher.


Short drama about the commandment "honour your father and your mother".


A country girl follows a city suitor, but is left alone and must fend for herself.


Edith is a salesgirl in a department store who envys her store-mates, as she views them passing by with their sweethearts, lighthearted and happy. Therefore she feels highly flattered and pleased at the attentions of a traveling repertoire manager who enters the store advertising his show, and presents Edith with two complimentary tickets for that evening's performance. The next day the manager appears again and invites her to take a stroll with him. This is the first attention the poor girl has ever experienced, and when the manager tries to persuade her to go away with him it is a supreme struggle with inclination that prevents her leaving her old folks.

It is springtime when little Mabel arrives at her Uncle Zeke's farm. Henry and Steve, two farmhands, are chums, having spent the years of their adolescence together on Uncle Zeke's farm. They have never experienced any love but brotherly love, until the day they first meet Mabel, when both become deeply smitten.

Grace Wallace was the only child of a widow of decidedly meager means. Mr. Rupert Howland, a widower of considerable wealth, the father of a girl child, and an old friend of the family, often surreptitiously helped them. He dearly loved the young girl, but it was only at the death-bed of Mrs. Wallace that he really showed it. The poor woman at the point of death realized the helplessness of those she was leaving behind, her own aged parents and her daughter Grace. To assure their future she begged Grace to marry their dear friend, and Grace, touched by the man's goodness and her mother's condition, consented. Not content with the promise, she asked that the marriage take place at once by her bedside, and the wish was granted. Poor Grace struggled hard to love the dear old man, but while she admired and respected him, and was profoundly grateful for his kindness, she could not love him.

In China, before leaving for America, Charlie Lee promises that he will never dishonour his family by cutting his pigtail. Later, as a laundryman in a California mining town, Charlie is tormented by local men but is finally befriended by a young woman and her cowboy sweetheart. One of Charlie’s tormentors is a well-dressed idler and, secretly, a bandit who robs the mail. The cowboy and the bandit become rivals for the girl’s affections. Suspicious of the bandit, Charlie follows him, observes him robbing a mail-carrier, and contrives to capture him, cutting off his pigtail to bind the bandit. Rewarded for the bandit’s capture, but disgraced in his own eyes for dishonouring his family, Charlie gives the cash reward to the young couple and surreptitiously leaves Golden Gulch.


In the heart of the American desert we find an old miner with his only daughter, he toiling day after day at his rocker-cradle in quest of the precious ore, while his pretty daughter keeps his camp and makes it as comfortable as possible in this wilderness. Having secreted quite a store of nuggets, his daughter persuades him to return to civilization, where they may enjoy the fruits of their labor. Both are happy in the anticipation of what seems a bright future, and the girl starts to prepare their final meal at the camp. While she is away at the spring getting water, a desert wanderer appears at the spring getting water, a desert wanderer appears at the camp, and at the sight of the old man weighing his gold is seized with cupidity. He himself had toiled long in the wilds, but with no success, so he demands that the old man divide his gains with him. This, of course, the miner decries, and the wanderer uses force. In the struggle the old man is knocked down, and striking his head ...


The quartet comprising this story are of ages as the months are to each other. June, a young college boy, finds his resources in depletion, and to improve his financial condition, proposes to October, a wealthy spinster of the "where-is-he" stage, and is accepted with avidity, and so these two soul "mis"-mates start their engagement inning. Later, December, a wealthy old bachelor, proposes to May, a pretty miss of eighteen, and the promise of fine gowns, jewels and automobiles, so dear to the heart of the fair sex, induces her to accept with half-hearted tolerance, hence they also start the engagement period. Everything goes finely until the quartet meet.


Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the two lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the bigotry and greed of the white landowners.


A rich nobleman steals a perfume merchant's wife just prior to the French Revolution, in which the perfumer is a leader of the peasants. His priest made him swear an oath to leave vengeance to God, however.


A young secretary is locked in an airtight vault by a robber. Only her boss knows the combination, and he is off on a journey. Can the boss's son locate his absent-minded father before it is too late for the girl?


A Quaker father is bringing up his daughter Ann in a stern, religious manner, often disturbed by her frivolity. A motorist, a concert singer from the city, has an accident near their rural home, and has to recuperate in their household. Ann and the singer fall in love, but her father refuses to approve their marriage, and when they defy his wishes he tears Ann’s name from the family Bible. The old couple fall on hard times financially, and are forced from their farmhouse to the county Poor Farm. Ann and her husband learn of this and offer help, but her father’s pride won’t permit him to take it. However, at the poorhouse, Ann plays an old hymn on an organ and softens his heart. All are reconciled.

On a whim, a greedy tycoon decides to corner the world market in wheat. This doubles the price of bread, forcing grain producers into charity lines and others further into poverty. The film contrasts the differences between the lives of those who work to grow the wheat and the life of the man who dabbles in its sale for profit.
