W. Lee Wilder

When an artist discovers his wife is having an affair with their jungle guide, he lures them into posing for him in a radioactive jungle river.


Thieves hijack an aircraft loaded with diamonds, and then must face deadly Amazonian headhunters when the plane crashes in the jungles of Caxambu, Brazil.


A murderer enriches his finances by marrying and then killing off a series of wealthy women.


Women (Sandra Francis, Andrea Domburg) distract a U.S. agent (Steve Brodie) fighting Soviet spies over a German scientist and his secret plans.


A wealthy business man discovers he has a brain tumor and seeks medical help. The business man finds a scientist experimenting with transplanting monkey heads on different monkey bodies. The business man decides to steal the head of Nostradamus from the prophet's crypt.


Three deep sea divers get involved in murder while searching for a lost treasure.


A woman believes herself to be the reincarnated spirit of an ancient prince's lover. Meanwhile, a murderer turns out to be the reincarnated spirit of the prince himself.


When a scheming fortune hunter finds his rich wife is not going to die as expected, he and his lover make other plans to get her millions.


A botanical expedition to the Himalayas captures a Yeti and brings it back alive to Los Angeles, where it escapes and runs amok, seeking food.


Atomic scientist/pilot Doug Martin is missing after his plane crashes on an reconnaissance mission after a nuclear test. Miraculously appearing unhurt at the base later, he is given sodium amethol, but authorities are skeptical of his story that he was captured by aliens determined to conquer the Earth with giant monsters and insects. Martin vows to use existing technology to destroy them.


The story concerns the sighting of a UFO which appears to have crashed in the San Fernando Valley, after which massive interference with teleradio transmission brings FCC investigators into action. They, in turn, begin encountering reports from people of seeing what appears to be a man dressed in a bizarre outfit.


An ex-American GI returns to Italy to find some money he stashed before doing a prison term. He discovers his cash is now gone and quickly sets off on a manhunt to find out who stole his buried fortune.


A down-on-her-luck San Francisco woman, turning in desperation to jewel robbery, barely escapes getting nabbed in a heist and moves to Los Angeles where she gets an honest job as a waitress. Her troubles start again, however, when she falls madly in love, blind to the fact that her boyfriend is a four-flushing, small-time con man.


In Hungary, a rich baron discovers that there are extensive oil deposits underneath nearby properties owned by villagers. He manages to convince all the property owners to sell to him, except for a few properties owned by Jewish families. Infuriated at their refusal to sell to him, he attempts, with the help of some corrupt local police, to have the men charged with the murder of a local woman, who in reality actually committed suicide.


Albert Dekker plays a investment agent who embezzles a large sum from an estate, hoping to cover his crime by marrying the estate's heiress. The girl is already engaged, so Dekker arranges to have the fiance killed. A mix up involving the society section of the newspaper places Dekker in the sights of his own hired gun.


A medicine show pitchman investigates a small town murder in Arizona.


Eying a large inheritance, a reporter marries a rich woman with failing health. When she begins feeling healthy after the wedding, the reporter takes drastic measures to make sure his wife dies.


A female research scientist conducting experiments on a new anesthetic has a very bad week. Her scheming assistant intentionally scars her face, her almost-fiancee appears to have deserted her and she finds herself being blackmailed by a women she accidentally knocked down with her car. So what is one to do?


A vaudevillian is tricked into murder by a bored wife.
