Wacław Kowalski

Pawlak and Kargul - neighbors, frenemies, and grandfathers to Ania- both receive invitation to America from Pawlak's brother- John. All three of them travel to Chicago, where they discover John has passed away, and they arrived just in time for his funeral. But first- they need to find his illegitimate daughter. Set in late 70's story of two, charming, Polish villagers' adventures in Chicago is a third installment of Pawlak and Kargul adventures.


The main characters are the same two quarreling peasant families introduced in "Sami swoi" (Our Folks). The action of the film starts 18 years later. The old quarrels have been forgotten, but new problems keep popping up. They have no successors to inherit the farms. They invent a tricky and clever plan. The young granddaughter is to take over both of the farms after her marriage. Both Kargul and Pawlak have no rest until they carry out the plan. In the end, after numerous adventures and obstacles their cunning intrigue is fulfilled - the young marry and the land remains in the family's hands.


An acute case of Mondayitis in Warsaw. Interwoven stories of a few inhabitants of Warsaw, including one very unlucky Italian on a governmental mission and a charitable Polish American.


18 years old boy struggles to make decisions about his future.

How I unleashed World War II is a Polish feature film made in 1969, based on Kazimierz Sławiński's novel "Przygody kanoniera Dolasa" (The adventures of Dolas the cannoneer). The film was divided into three parts: Ucieczka (The escape), Za bronią (Following the arms) and Wśród swoich (Among friends).


How I Unleashed World War II is a story of a Polish soldier Franciszek Dolas, who - as a result of comical coincidences - is convinced that he started the Second World War. Trying to redeem himself at all costs, he constantly gets into new trouble. In doing so, he finds himself on different war fronts (Yugoslavia, Mediterranean Sea, Near East, Italy) and eventually returns to Poland.

Two quarreling peasant families, who were forced to leave their lands after the war, are settled by accident on two neighboring farms.


In November of 1939, the British consulate in Norway receives documents saying that the Nazis are conducting secret rocket research in Peenemünde. But the British doubt the authenticity of the so called "Oslo report". Thus, the Germans continue their experiments unimpeded. At the same time, resistance groups from France, England, Poland, and Germany try to find and to sabotage the secret Nazi research base. When the first "V 2" rocket is successfully launched, the Allied commanders finally become interested in the "Oslo report".


A disqualified trainer of water jumpers starts work in the province, where he discovers Majka's talent.


1945. Home Army soldier who hides in the village must decide if he wants to engage into dangerous situation to help group of Jewish runaways.

Waclaw Orzeszko is unlucky soldier. Nobody from the platoon likes him. One day he decided to go away from platoon. At the castle he meet Russian soldier Marusia. At this time German forces came at the castle. They must hide. But there is also second problem. Waclaw's platoon had to find deserter. Polish Soldier close to the castle.


A thriller about Polish Intelligence Service working on detecting a net of foreign spies.


Kazmierz Dziewanowicz's hobby is very strange. He collects people who were born on the 29th of February. One day he sees that in his collection there are two men with the same name, the same birth place, the same date of birth and the same parents. In the middle of the night somebody kills him. The Intelligence Agency begins investigation.


The movie is about the fate of Polish soldier named Kaleń who fought with UPA in 1945. Set in the closing days of World War II, the film recounts the adventures of the Polish soldier caught in the turmoil among the Polish Communist army, anti-communist underground and Ukrainian fascists.


Poland in the 50s, 20th century The process of collectivization of agriculture is under way. The wealthy Slumdog farmer is one of the last individual farmers who have not joined the cooperative and are trying to grow their own land. But it is very difficult - the unemployed mercenaries who paid for them run to cooperatives (where they have better conditions), the environment or the local authorities do not accept him as a kulak. Struggling with the problem of how to make a 40-hectare farm last, he remains alone in the face of a loss of land that he cannot cultivate.


With the second part of his Cellulose Diptych, award-winning director Jerzy Kawalerowicz returns to protagonist Szczesny, now a full-fledged, middle-aged communist militant in pre-war Poland. Based on the writings of Igor Newerly, Kawalerowicz's epic chronicles the romance between Szczesny and the charismatic Madzia, as the ill-fated pair fall in love amid the social and political upheaval of their homeland.


While visiting Warsaw, Hanka falls for a record-breaking bricklayer. Soon she returns to the city to work at construction sites and prove that women's work is not worse than that of men's.
