Waldo Facco

It is the story of resilience of a mother and her son, each living with a chronic degenerative disease, and how they reconcile with each other when they accept that their disease has united and transformed them forever.

Romero, a retired fisherman and a forgotten hero by the community, lives isolated in his home, surrounded by ghosts of the life he couldn't have, spirits that materialize before him as his real family. Alcoholic and schizophrenic, surviving on a daily basis. But deep down he feels the time has come to regain what he lost several decades ago, when he brought the oil curse to his own island, the lush Ciudad del Carmen. At the same time at the mysterious Estero Pargo, the goddess Ixchel has been reborn and seeks to mate with humans in order to continue the cycle of life.


Zambrano is a young criminal with the only hope of joining the legendary prison American football team known as The Dogs of Santa Martha. His hopes end up involving him with organized crime since The Dogs, who are also known as The 4th Company, a squadron of inmates at the service of the administration that controls the jail, its vice and its privileges. Corruption and crime have no limits; they ravage the city with car thefts, bank robberies and other crimes under the auspices of the authorities, the story takes place during the López Portillo presidency and his men.


Filmmaker Sebastian makes the reverse journey from Mexico City that almost all of the inhabitants of the deserted, dusty hamlet La Estancia have made. Searching for inspiration (and a better life?), he comes across the two sole remaining residents: the aged Don Jesús Vallejo and his son Juan Diego. Fascinated by their isolated lives and Juan Diego’s absolute loneliness, Sebastian starts to film. The improbable but intense friendship that arises between them is rudely disrupted when Sebastian goes back to the city - but he promises to return.


Stories of all kinds - the absurd, the unreal and quotidian - are part of an interrelated collage about social strata, culture and reencounters depicting the life of the capital city of Veracruz: Xalapa, in Mexico. -Edgar Cochran-


A band of robbers steal money from a winery. The passion for a woman, makes them begin to covet another part of the booty that they deserve. First film shot in a single take in the history of cinema. Certified by Guinness World Records


Tormented by pain, grievous memories and old age in a merciless solitude, the cantankerous and sullen Fausto, who goes leaving traces of bitterness behind himself, understands that never changes the final destination: return eventually to the nothingness from which we came.