Walter Ruttmann

Documentary about the process of building tanks in Germany during the early days of World War II.


Wehrmacht propaganda documentary about the might of the German armament factories and their inexhaustible reserves of war material made ready for use.

Short version of the Mannesmann film that premiered the previous year.

Nazi propaganda film about the embryo of metal falling from the sky, extracted by the German industry for various purposes.


Filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl's controversial masterwork is an artful work of propaganda showcasing German chancellor and Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally. Edited from over 60 hours' worth of raw footage shot over the course of the rally's four days, the film is visually remarkable in the way it captures the event's enormous scale.


Walter Ruttmann directed this propagandistic Nazi documentary in 1933.


In the huge steel factories in Terni (Umbria, Italy), two friends: Mario and Pietro, fight for the love of the same girl, Gina. Pietro dies because of a work accident at the factory. The other workers think Mario is responsible for the death of his friend. Mario, who is innocent, is forced to quit, but his love for Gina and his dedication to his job help him out of his crisis.


The plot concerns a comet hurling toward Earth on a collision course and the different reactions to people on the impending disaster.


A short directed by Walther Ruttmann and features music by Robert Schumann.


Wochende (Weekend), 1930, is an experimental movie, directed by Walter Ruttmann, produced in Germany. Walter Ruttmann made avant-garde films - the Opus series, from 1922 to 1925, and a major documentary Berlin, Symphony of a City in 1929, showing the city's activities from early morning to midnight. Interested in how spectators perceive sound, on 15 May 1930 he premiered a film without pictures, Wochenende (Weekend). The audience take their seats, the lights go out, the sound is heard and all that can be seen is a BLANK screen !


A farcical war between the forces of Commercial Cinema and Independent Cinema.


An impression of the state of the world in 1929, contrasting similarities and differences in religion, customs, art and entertainment from all over the world. The film is constructed like a symphony.


A documentary about the 1928 St. Moritz Olympics.


In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences.


A short film by Walther Ruttmann.


A train speeds through the country on its way to Berlin, then gradually slows down as it pulls into the station. It is very early in the morning, about 5:00 AM, and the great city is mostly quiet. But before long there are some signs of activity, and a few early risers are to be seen on the streets. Soon the new day is well underway. It's just a typical day in Berlin, but a day full of life and energy.


Commercial for the GESOLEI health and art exhibition in Düsseldorf.


Promotional film for "AEG".


Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden. They discover that flowers can bring both joy and solace.


An abstract animation by Walter Ruttmann.


An abstract animation from Walter Ruttmann.


An advertisement for Kantorowicz-Liköre, wherein our protagonists suffer no ill effects whatsoever from consuming alcohol.


Against a dark background, several bright, curved or rounded shapes pulse towards the center of the screen, one at a time. They are followed by many other shapes, some irregular, some pointed, others rounded. The abstract shapes move into or across the screen in harmony with the musical score.


An animated commercial for tire company Excelsior Reifen.


An abstract animation from Walter Ruttmann.
