Walter Soubrié

In this suspense story, the main character, Johann Neudorff (Gotz George), immigrated to Argentina from Germany after World War Two, and has become a successful businessman there. He is unconcerned with the nature of the government there, which at the time of this film (1978) is a military dictatorship. His comfortable existence is disrupted when he discovers that his beloved daughter Laura (Emilia Mazer) has become the lover of a political activist (Miguel Angel Sola) who is on the military's hit list. When his daughter is kidnapped, Johann attempts to use his government connections to free both her and her lover. However, his son Alfredo (Alex Benn) undermines his efforts, and Johann himself is incarcerated in a military prison, but not before he discovers that his daughter and her lover are both dead, killed by the regime.


Eugenia's parents die. She goes to live with Amalita, her close friend. Her grandmother Amalia Pradere a wealth landlady, takes the orphan under her protection. After a chain of events, disappearing her grandchild, Eugenia will take Amalita's place. She will inherit not only Amalia's possessions but also Ezequiel's love, Amalita's widower.


The story of Santos Pérez, the man who murdered caudillo Facundo Quiroga in 1835.


About the life of a union activist who began his struggle in the Peronist ranks during the '60s and corrupted in his rise to power.


argentina movie


The life story of Argentine independence hero Jose de San Martin.


The story of rebel gaucho Martin Fierro, his people, and their life in the Argentine Pampas. Based on José Hernández's epic poem.
