Walter Williams

On the major social and political issues of our time, economist, author, and columnist Walter Williams is one of America's most provocative thinkers. He is black, yet he opposes affirmative action. He believes that the Civil Rights Act was a major error, that the minimum wage actually creates unemployment, and that occupational and business licensure and industry regulation work against minorities and others in American business. Perhaps, most importantly, he has come to believe that it has been the welfare state that has done to black Americans what slavery could never do: destroy the black family


Walter Williams critiques the war on poverty, schooling, and more in this public television documentary based on Walter Williams' book 'The State Against Blacks'.

The final part of the 'Tyranny of the Status Quo' series features Dr. Friedman discussing politicians with a panel of students.

Unions sometimes protect some workers - their members - but usually at the expense of other workers. Government protects its employees and special groups of workers at the expense of other workers. Both unions and government restrict freedom. Friedman explains how the competition of employers for the talents of workers leads to the highest wages and best working conditions.