Wan Seung-Lam

Hot shot cop Gold Eagle drops out after the evil Mr Chau disrupts his wedding by killing a number of the guests. Eagle hides in an isolated village disguised as a drunkard garbage collector. But neither old flame Senny nor Chau have given up finding him.


Anthony Wong plays a traffic cop who is obsessed with action films. He wants to be a real life hero and gets his chance when he becomes involved in a botched bank robbery case.


A cop turns fugitive when he is framed for the murder of a keywitness in a weapons smuggling investigation. On the run the cop befriends a psychic who helps him to capture the real killer.


The Eagles are a group of orphans raised as killers, whose job is to liquidate baddies ….. or so they are lead to believe. Disharmony begins among the Eagles when they are ordered to kill Shinshu Monster, an ex-colleague of their loud-laughing leader, whom they call Foster Father. Before dying, Shinshu sows the seeds of doubt with the Eagle Yingming who, nearly dead, is nursed back to health by Quihua. Quihua's ill father is another of the Foster Father 's ex-colleagues, and is the holder of the Star Bleed Skill scroll, which the Eagle's leader covets above all else.


A man (Fatty) returns home to find his wife with another man. He goes to a bar and begins to drink, waking up the next day to find that he owes a mafioso money for killing his wife. Not wanting to pay the money, he enlists a malitia organization only to find the leader a psychopath who seeks revenge on his brother, who the mafioso tortured. The psycho blames Fatty, and kills his mother and young daughter. Fatty must kill the psycho to survive.


A con artist falls in love with a respectable nightclub girl but romance is overshadowed by deception.


A special agent assigned to protect a wealthy business magnate. However, when the businessman is kidnapped in a daring ambush, he teams up with a seasoned detective to crack the case. But soon he discovers the case isn't that simple.


It is 20 years on and Ho Hsin is now the proud and powerful owner of a chain of casinos in Macau. Unfortunately, he is also the target of many enemies, some of whom are in dangerously close proximity to him. But Ho has faced adversity before and is not about to just roll over and die.


Set in World War II, Casino Tycoon chronicles the story of Benny, a young graduate played by Andy Lau, who flees Hong-Kong during the Japanese invasion and heads for gambling haven Macau. Once in Macau, he impresses a local business man who has ties to organised crime, he slowly builds his way up in the ranks of the Macau underworld which ultimately leads to trouble.


Hung and Ann are down-on-their luck prostitutes trapped in Hong Kong. Pauline's boyfriend, Sam, back in China, who is under the impression that she is away working at a factory, is double-crossed by Billy Chow, and while looking to escape; flees for Hong Kong and winds up at the Brothel where Pauline is employed. He is crushed when he finds out the truth, but by this point, everyone involved on all sides is too deeply involved to turn back. This is the type of movie that could only come from HK. It combines plenty of gory fighting, romance, violent A great scenes and comedy, all into one. A grand finale, where those who haven't already been killed fight it out on a construction site. In summary; heaps of sex and violence-has a few great bits, but not recommended for the weak-hearted.


A crazy white scientist resurrects a corpse with a werid chemical creating a super hopping ghost. The only thing that can somewhat control it is the sound of music. A Tao Priest and his two assistants try and stop it from destroying the countryside.


The final entry in Michael and Johnny Mak's Long Arm of the Law series, Underground Express once again tells a story of gangsters versus police, focusing on the difference between how both factions act depending if they're coming from Hong Kong or Mainland China. There's some decent action that delivers a high body count, but the rushed production and editing that was obviously and clumsily done to avoid a Category III rating regulates this to being just another average Hong Kong cops and robbers flick.


Wah is the only one in his family lucky enough to survive the deadly boat passage from China to Hong Kong. Once in Hong Kong, he searches for opportunities he heard so much about. After struggling for months, he discovers that this is all but a myth.


This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.


The year is 1974. A young Hong Kong Chinese, Mark (Chow Yun-Fat), travels to Saigon to make his fortune. There, he encounters a mysterious femme fatale, the lovely Kit. As he becomes more involved in her various underworld deals, a tragic romance develops. On the eve of the outbreak of war, Kit's past returns to endanger her, and Mark must risk everything for the one true love of his life...


A soldier from Mainland China arrives at Hong Kong to look for his estranged sister and finds out that she has been forced into prostitution by a criminal organization.


A psychiatrist donates his time to help the mentally ill street people of Hong Kong. A reporter who hears about his activities accompanies him on his rounds.


Cheng Tzu-hao and Kao Ying-wei, both wooing the same girl Ah Tzu, are transferred to the same Action Squad to help crack a number of robberies committed by a notorious robber/killer Ku Lung from Shantung. They inadvertently offend their immediate superior Beast King, and land themselves in a tight spot…


This is one of those -"who did it" -murder movies put out by Shaw Brothers. In this one, a bunch of Mainlanders come to Hong Kong for a better life. Instead, these Mainlanders are jobless and wind up killing, robbing, and selling drugs for a Dai Lo. Tired of getting chicken scratch from their Dai Lo for all the work they've done, the Mainlanders (about 4 or 5) decide to do a big job for themselves by trying to rob a jewelry store. The heist goes awry with all the Mainlanders being apprehended by the HKRP. They all to go to jail and do their time and get discharged. Once out, the Mainlanders are getting "rubbed off" one by one and the HKRP do not have a clue. Luckily, one member, Yeh Hung (Lo Meng), of the Mainlander gang is still in jail who still has time. So, Inspector Wong (Jason Pai Piao) decides to cut Yeh Hung loose and let him walk the streets as bait to bring the killer out.


A look at two brothers, whose reckless careers as gang members create conflict with friends, family, the police, school and their lives.


Traveling swordsman Shen Sheng-yi (Ti Lung) and his lady friend match wits and swords with the last surviving member of the once great Murung family who is determined to rule the martial world by stealing plans to crafting firearms.


The story follows a "loveable" rascal as he gambles and gets into various bits of trouble with outlaws and rebels. He eventually gets into a situation where he has to impersonate the eunuch servant of an elderly eunuch who is an evil martial art master. This gets the rascal involved with the emperor who is studying martial arts. The whole movie revolves around a quest for all the copies of a special Buddhist text.


Several mysterious killings take place in the underworld. A war fighter trying to find the culprit behind these murders. He finds that the victims are killed by a crystal statue. The statue is made of an ordinary man who is good at sculpting, but is controlled by an evil demon and warrior knows that he must stop the demon before several statues will. While traveling man who created the statue out to find his statue to prove his innocence.


From its evocative title to its gritty filming to its gutsy plot, this sizzling crime thriller struck a chord with international audiences. The robberies, ambushes, double-crosses, and murders multiply as a hitman, a robber gang, and two obsessed cops clash with increasing deadliness and danger


Hong Kong Hong Kong (or "Man and Woman" as it literally translates) is the story of a young woman, Man Si Sun, who has arrived illegally in Hong Kong from mainland China, and Kong Yuen Sang, a young man who is a gambler and wannabe boxing champion.


Celebrated director Chu Yuan helms "Descendant Of The Sun", a Superman meets Hercules a la old style martial art film. Derek Yee is a magic solar baby sent Earthbound by a benevolent god, raised by an old carpenter, has martial art superpowers and "green kryptonite" loses them during solar eclipses. That's when the evil baby counterpart shows up. Demon-paced martial arts action by Jackie Chan's kung-fu classmates Yuan Pin and Yuen Hua compliments Toho Studio style special optical effects.


A Hong Kong taxi driver suffers after being cursed by a sorcerer he accidentally hit with his cab. After the driver's wife is raped and killed by teenage hooligans, he pleads with the sorcerer to lift the hex and restore his wife to the land of the living. Otherworldly zombie chaos ensues.


The Weird Man" is popular director Chang Cheh's bizarre screen adaptation of the famous Chinese literary classic "Romance Of The Three Kingdoms". Chang is famous for his lone swordsman and hero films, and freakily, "The Weird Man" is no exception. The film's star Cheng Tien-chi playing a righteous, beheaded priest with supernatural powers that returns from the dead to wreak havoc against one of the corrupt kingdoms.


Chan Chiao a.k.a. The Cat (Adam Cheng) and Pai Yu-tang a.k.a. The Rat (Alexander Fu Sheng) compete in various flamboyantly choreographed duels before realizing that they must seek the judgment of their master (Lau Kar-wing). He disappoints them by ruling that their abilities are perfectly equal, then being so completely impartial as to give the Rat a nine-ringed sword which he can use to defeat the Cat, and giving the Cat a spear to defeat the sword which he just gave the Rat. A few more contests result in ties before a subplot gets underway involving a precious jade seal owned by the Emperor Yung Hsi (Gordon Lau) and the thieves out to steal it. This, finally, is what forces the Cat and Rat to work together and overcome their rivalry.


In this entertaining, surprisingly lighthearted martial arts extravaganza, Kuo Chue, finds himself being confused with his doppelganger time and time again. With each case of mistaken identity, he becomes drawn into a number of heated conflicts between several rival schools and gangs - a dilemma that he just isn't prepared to deal with! As he is pulled to and fro by circumstances, there's no telling where the day will take him! By the film's end, he's sure to learn some valuable lessons about brotherhood and honor, but at what price?


Here Chang Siu Tai (Alexander Fu Sheng) is the son of Master Chang (played by Ku Feng), a renowned chiropractor/bone-setter operating a clinic in a poor neighborhood in an unidentified city in early 20th century China. Siu Tai works for his father and studies bone-setting and kung fu under him, but gets into lots of trouble, especially after white foreigners and their westernized Chinese enablers descend on the town in hopes of acquiring a valuable statue of the Goddess of Mercy on display at a local Buddhist temple.


It all started with The Five Venoms, the internationally loved kung-fu thriller. It continued through more than a dozen bloody good entertainments featuring the same actors in different roles. This is considered the last official "Venoms" movie, but what a film it is. There's one plasma-spurting attack after another as heroes and rogues alike try to solve the secrets of this hell house. The core Venoms themselves choreograph the gory fun in this fond farewell to their worldwide film series sensation!


A tale of deadly deception and betrayal unfolds when the leader of the respectable Iron Flag clan is assassinated by The Spearman while the clan fights the villainous Eagle clan. Iron Flag's eldest brother, Lo, the second brother accepts the responsibility for the deaths of the Eagle clan and goes into hiding from the authorities. Meanwhile, Chow Feng takes charge, using his position for disreputable purposes. Seeing Lo, as a potential threat, Feng sends the "nefarious" Ten Killers of the Underworld to finish him. But Lo defeats them and confronts Feng with the aid of The Spearman who hopes to atone for having unwittingly killed a righteous man, Iron Flag's former leader.


Sun Chung had been recognized as an expert comedy and crime thriller director, but he was to gain even greater acclaim for his soulful, powerful, intelligent, and beautifully-made martial arts epics. This stands alongside The Deadly Breaking Sword and The Kung-fu Instructor as one of his very best. It’s not so much the plot – a master swordsman protects a treasure chest on a dangerous journey – that makes this great, but what Sun does with it, inspiring the cast and crew to some of their finest work.


Chin Siu Ho plays a young man who believes himself to be an orphan. Until one rainy night when he and three different men find themselves taking shelter from the storm in the same place. Here the man who raised him tells him at last the story of who his parents were. His father (Lu Feng) was a great swordsman trying to dispel rumors of a wrongdoing and return a lost sword to its rightful owner. Kuo Choi and Chiang Sheng (also master swordsmen) are the parties that Lu Feng is trying to rectify things with. Through cowardly trickery on Chiang's part, a duel ensues and it all winds up with Lu's death. His son is taken to safety by a servant (the man who since raised him). Now with the truth told, Chin Siu Ho seeks out Kuo Choi's aid and seeks vengeance for the wrongful death of his father.


Determined to escape from the harsh regime of China to the freedom of Hong Kong, three youths are captured by Mr. Hok, a sadistic human smuggler who subjects them to an unrelenting assault of degradation. Pushed to the limits of human endurance, the prisoners must fight for their lives in an unforgettable, action-packed climax.


It's Meng Yuan-wen (star of The Master Strikes) versus Kuan Feng in this wild and wacky wushu saga of a priceless pole with a spectacular secret. A master martial artist's silly disciple struggles to save it from an evil white slaver, the slaver's duplicitous wife, and even his own bone-headed, but greedy, companion. Hsu Hsia choreographs the abundant action, as he had for both Five Superfighters and Drunken Master. The result is both sublime (for its kung-fu) and engagingly ridiculous.


Crippled Avengers is a 1978 Shaw Brothers kung fu film directed by Chang Cheh and starring four members of the Venom Mob. It has been released in North America as Mortal Combat and Return of the 5 Deadly Venoms. The film follows a group of martial artists seeking revenge after being crippled by Tu Tin-To (Chen Kuan Tai), a martial arts master, and his son (Lu Feng).
