Wander Theunis

A fatally-timed invasion of privacy forces two male roommates to an all-too-intimate heart-to-heart.

At korfball practice, a timid young teenager finds himself forced to show his true colors upon witnessing his fellow players' locker room banter take a cruel turn at the expense of the most popular girl on their team.


Acquitted of a fatal on-duty incident but tormented by its harrowing personal repercussions, a police officer and impending father struggles to piece his uprooted life back together while sent on leave to a holiday resort in Greece.


On the last day of the year, a dispirited work-at-home phone interpreter has her moribund life turned upside down when she answers an unexpected emergency call.


On a Saturday night in the "City of Love", two sworn enemies are united in their hatred for someone they despise even more than each other: a gay man.


A solitary organ broker attempts to break free from his life of deadly crime by rescuing a young woman from the ruthless syndicate he does business with.


During a date a man loses himself in the compelling stories of a woman. Something beautiful occurs between the two, but nothing is what it seems.


In southwest Turkey, a Dutch woman helps save the lives of illegal immigrants but is forced to confront the unattended needs of those who love her.


An all-male foster family tries to enjoy one last morning together, before their unity will be broken by what was inevitable all along.

An acclaimed but harried playlist curator at a prominent music streaming company finds himself on a soul-searching summer day's odyssey through Amsterdam.