Wilfred Breistrand

A moment of false bravado and some imaginative letters allow shy, anxiety-ridden, thirteen-year-old Markus to connect with a Hollywood star, but when she returns home to Norway she wants to meet the thirty-six-year-old millionaire she believes him to be...


Norwegian short film

Hockeyfeber tells not only the story of collisions on the ice , but also about life as it really fortoner in the tough environment amateur sport unfolding in . The film depicts the sporting community for better or worse , and shows how tough and cynical demands of athletes being when the sponsors' affection, the most important.


Etter atter en tid på "Botsen" har Egon en genial plan klar. Med sin store forkjærlighet for timing og tilrettelegging retter han denne gangen blikket mot en av landets mest velsmurte og solide institusjoner: NSB. Egons frastjålte millioner er nemlig byttet inn i gullbarrer av noen multinasjonale slyngler, og barrene må fraktes med tog. Det kan ikke beskrives, det må ses!


Bør is startled when he discovers that his father-in-law is becoming more Norwegian than he is. The father-in-law is about to raise the village's highest flagpole. Bør can't sit still and watch, and that's why the fight and the intricacies are underway.


A story of two siblings who for the first time spend a night without their parents, and are visited by strangers who ask for room for the night. Based on the novel by Norwegian writer Tarjei Vesaas.


Egon, Kjell og Benny har gått under jorden, men da Kongen og Knekten utfordret dem måtte de slå til Igjen dreier det seg om store penger: 4 millioner i lett omsettlig mynt, nemlig moms-penger! I løpet av kort tid er de impliserte i tur og orden millionærer og raka fant en rekke ganger, For hva gjør man når man har 4 millioner mellom hendene? Man kan gjøre som Egon Olsen - eller som Kongen. De to har nemlig svært så forskjellige syn på hvordan en millionær skal oppføre seg.


A meta-film about a film and the common man in our own political reality. A reality that is just scenes of a film without any cinematic development, but which might be plain reality tomorrow.


In the midst of an atomic war on Earth in the near future, a number of colonists are sent to establish an outpost on Mars. Strange events begin to affect the Terran life brought as part of the settlement effort, including the seeded grass sprouting purple, the family cow growing a third horn in the middle of its head, and other anomalies with the vegetable garden. Slowly people begin to show signs of transforming into Martians, as their limbs and bodies elongate and their irises turn to a shimmery gold, along with their skin darkening.

For many, the happy twenties were not very happy, with high unemployment, poverty and a bitter disillusioned youth. But at the same time there was prohibition in Norway, with large-scale smuggling and easy-earned money. Ernst, an unemployed architect, stumbles onto the smuggler path, and replaces a gray, boring life with a lush, rowdy and colorful world. Klara, the girl he loves, walks away from him, and Jenny becomes his new girlfriend. Together with Hugo and Elsa, these four make a number of smuggling trips by car - with big profits - but it's not enough. So Ernst invests in boats, and that's when the really messy smuggling starts. He operates in the entire Oslo Fjord, all the way down to Rotterdam, pursued by police and customs, with his infamous torpedo boats. We follow Ernst all the way to the so-called Bygdøyslaget, where smugglers and police brutaly clash together.


It is 1940 in Norway, a neutral, peace-loving country that is invaded by Nazi Germany. A gang of Norwegian children do what Norwegian children like best - ski. They are actually rescuing Norwegian gold from the nazi invaders. The Nazis search all adults but don't suspect children playing. The children carry the gold, one bar at a time, across the mountains to a fishing boat. It is a race against time, it is spring and the snow is melting. So they ski from dawn to dusk every day.


Norwegian TV-Drama

In 1890, Pontus, the starving writer, wanders the streets of Christiania, in search of love and a chance to get his work published. All he meets is defeat and suffering while his sense of reality is withering. One moment he is delighted and the next he curses everybody. All the time he manages to maintain human dignity and pride.


About a fisherman who has to face judgement on his life after an accident.


In suburbia Solbråten has some residents received bildilla. The otherwise wayward husbands forget their obligations for both work and home. There is also a great contest in having more cars in their recovery than neighboring upswing.


A slice of life in 'Solbråten' where citizens are concerned with everyday many chores. In particular, men busy. They struggle with a resident's association, volunteers and home protection so they hardly have time to eat before they sleep dinner. They thrown in must go into work do not life easier.


Mountain climbing and its dangers get a different twist in this standard drama by Norwegian director Tancred Ibsen. When one of two climbing buddies returns from an attempt to scale Eagle Peak, he is happy to claim his award for being the first to reach the summit. But his celebration is short-lived after his friend comes back down from the mountain with another version of his "victory" climb. This second version has the supposedly successful climber cast as an attempted murderer. The story behind the climb comes out in flashbacks as the Alpine Club reviews the accusation.


The movie takes place during World War II and depicts the true story of Jan Baalsruds amazing escape from the German army from the coast of Northern Norway and across the border to the neutral country Sweden.


Based on a play by Jules Feiffer