William Dever

A band of soldiers tasked with staying behind during the Battle of Dunkirk to rescue a scientist with information that could turn the tide of the war must battle their way through dangerous Nazi territory to complete their mission.


When a fracking mishap accidentally rips apart the earth’s crust, the resulting hole opens up a gaping underground water way to a vast and mysterious ocean somewhere deep below. Instantly, giant prehistoric sharks begin wending their way upward toward a murky bog in the heart of the Arkansas Bayou. Unfortunately, for a group of female prisoners on a work detail in the swamp, the deadly sharks attack without warning – pinning a hapless group of intended victims in a small deserted cabin in the heart of the wetlands. Death may be the only means of escape!


A crazy scientist is in search of a sea monster, in this family comedy featuring mermaids, pirate treasure, sea monsters, and more. In a shared universe with Jim Wynorski's 2017 family film Nessie & Me, due to several actors reprising their roles.

A group of radical environmentalist along with a lawyer and a very nosy reporter attempt to stop rampaging developers.

Game Train is a feature length documentary film that takes audiences inside the scenes of Train Jam, a game development contest. In Train Jam, hundreds of game developers travel together in one train across the country from Chicago to San Francisco to attend the annual Game Developers Conference (GDC). Over the 52-hour journey, the developers are put into teams to conceptualize and execute the creation of an actual video game.

Four midwestern kids go on a spooky adventure, after hearing a local scary story from their Grandmother.


A small town in America is suddenly inflicted by a wave of irrational violence. Both scientists and local law enforcement try to determine the cause of the madness. It's the food that is driving everyone crazy.
