William Duncan

When their stingy boss suddenly drops dead, two coworkers decide to split the million in cash in his safe, only to find themselves pursued by the criminal owners of the money.

With thousands of cattle being rustled from White Sage ranch the 1930's Texas Rangers are called in. They manage to get one of their agents into the gang by making them think he is the Pecos Kid on the lam.


Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a heard of cattle. Bay guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.


Hoppy's friend Dennis owns a rich gold mine. Frazier who owns the adjoining mine and wants the Dennis mine, has Dennis killed. Hoppy steps in to take over running the Dennis mine and learns Frazier's men sneak into and work the Dennis mine at night. Hoppy captures one of Frazier's men only to be captured in return by Frazier and left to die in a burning building.


The local school is causing Hoppy problems. First Bar 20 cattle are stolen when Hoppy investigates a problem there. Then the new teacher arrives and disrupts the routine of the Bar 20 hands. Later with the Bar 20 hands at graduation, the rustlers are poised to strike again. But there is dissension among them and this will lead to the break that Hoppy needs.


"Nevada" (Buster Crabbe) and "Weary" Pierce (Syd Saylor)hijack the loot taken in a bank hold-up by Les Setter (Harvey Stephens), and his gang. They escape from Sheriff Jim Henry Warner (Lew Kelly). U. S. government horse-buyer David Ward (Purnell Pratt)is killed by Settler's men and Settler takes his papers and goes to the ranch of Blaine (William Duncan) and asks for the horses Ward was to buy, promising payment from the government later. He also takes an interest in Ina Blaine (June Martel), much to the resentment of her sweetheart Ben Ide (John Patterson). "Nevada" and "Weary" are hired for the horse round-up but Setter has them and Ben arrested on a fake charge. Wil the aid of the camp cook, Millie Moran (Ruth Warren) they escape and start in pursuit of Setter and his gang.


On a cattle drive Hoppy, camp cook Windy, companion Lucky, and young Artie Peters encounter an eccentric professor. The professor professes to be searching for the evolutionary missing link, but in reality he is a cattle rustler who uses his dynamite to scatter the cattle in order capture some of them. Hoppy and Bar 20 guys ultimately capture the professor.


An evil gang is involved in both cattle rustling and the robbing of stagecoaches. Hoppy must stop them without help from the sheriff who turns out be a major outlaw himself.


A gambler (Larry "Buster" Crabbe) wins a ranch in a round of poker, then joins his neighbors on a rustler-ridden cattle drive to Texas.


The adventures of fur trappers in the Pacific Northwest, as they fight Indians, the elements and each other.


The Silent Avenger is an American silent action film


When sawmill owner Helen Cole is kidnapped by bandits, it falls on lumberjack Dan Stevens to rescue her, but "Wirenail" Hedges is not willing to give up without a fight.


The Mystery of Lake Lethe is a 1917 silent film

Far away, in the timberlands of the North, where the purity of woman is placed above all else, lived Josephine Adare, a kind, honest soul, whose face plainly bore an expression of deep sorrow and anxiety. Up to this, God's Own Country, came a man, Philip Weyman, to spend a year in that region. The man meets the woman and falls in love with her. He begs her to confide in him her great sorrow, which he sees she is constantly thinking of, but she tells him that she cannot do so.

Vitagraph comedy starring William Duncan & Corinne Griffith about The Cost of High Living.

Through the Wall is a silent 1916 film

Jimmy and the Deacon are rivals for the rich widow's hand, and the Deacon with his little Flivver has so far won out.

Marian, in truth a quiet and reserved girl from the East, in the new tonic atmosphere of Arizona seems to change her nature and through a series of misunderstandings is given the title of "The Holy Terror."

Little Nell keeps house for her two brothers, who have a cabin near a placer claim, where they wash out pay-dust so rapidly that they have accumulated quite a store of it, which gives an added responsibility to the little girl, to watch its hiding place. She is further burdened with the care of a small baby sister

Jimmy Donovan gets a passenger for his automobile to make an all-day trip to the Stanley Ranch. When they have almost reached their destination, the engine goes "dead," but the Stanley girls, riding broncos, come to the rescue and drag the car on to the ranch at the end of their ropes.

Arthur Baxter comes to spend the week end with John Masterson, a wealthy merchant. With him are his nephew, Jack Warrington, and his niece. Margaret Warrington. Arthur is in love with Margaret; she repels his advances, but he persists. Her uncle, however, rather favors the match, as he thinks Baxter is wealthy.

Dakota Wilson escapes from the Deer Lodge Penitentiary, and, after a period of quietness, secures a position on the Diamond S ranch, owned by Buffalo Watson. Ruth, the daughter of the ranch owner, one day sees Dakota's display of horsemanship, and the admiration thus aroused soon ripens into love, much against the protest of the family. Ruth's love for Dakota is increased by his heroic deed when he rescues her from the malignant attentions of a rushing steer whose anger is aroused by the flowing red handkerchief about her neck. Dakota, who is riding ahead of the cowboys on a round-up expedition, catches sight of the steer heading for Ruth, and, spurring his broncho into a break-neck speed, reaches the side of the steer, leaps upon its hack, and, fastening his muscular arms on the frenzied beast's horns, brings him to the ground. In the midst of the ovation given him by the cowboys, Dakota is nabbed by Sheriff Mathers, who begins to march him back to the Deer Lodge Penitentiary.


Steve and Tom are rivals for the hand of Mona.

Willie Clever, city born and bred, having been spoiled with plenty of money, thinks he knows it all, or nearly all. His father buys a ranch in Arizona and sends Willie out to run the business. He comes with "all the fixin's," and has not been on the place an hour before he tries to run, or reform the outfit. The cowboys decide he needs some experience.

Charley West, a lineman, complains about his rickety old hand-car, and is given one that is up-to-date. He tries it out and finds he can send it sixty miles an hour. The train dispatcher, forgetting an oncoming special freight, allows a passenger train to leave the yard before he discovers his mistake.

Wesley Judell, as a missionary, finds a futile but puzzling field for work in the far, wild west.

Steve, ambitious to outstrip his rivals, Slim and Tex, in a race for Betty's hand, orders a dress-snit by mail. The spike-tail is an awful fit and Steve retires from Betty's inspection anything but pleased. He gives the "fixins" to a Mexican, who in turn suffers from the hands of the populace when he makes his appearance in public, and is finally suspiciously pursued by a posse.

John Wilson goes to the mountain-town bank to draw out the pay-roll. Sam Marvin and Ed Hanley "pike" this proceeding and ride on ahead, up the road, to await the coming of the superintendent in his auto. Jim Carter, the son of Sheriff Carter, also his deputy, observes their actions, and finds their pictures in prison records.

Big "Bud" O'Neill, the sheriff of Yavapai County, is in love with Nellie Bowen, daughter of a wealthy rancher.

Jim Dolan is a prospector who incurs the hatred of Ed Jones, foreman of the Brown Ranch, because of his attentions to Grace Wellington, daughter of a nearby rancher.

Dare Devil Tom Wallace, so called because of his seeming lack of fear, is held up while riding in the stage and robbed by a masked desperado named Morgan. Wallace finds the trail of the robber and follows it to the face of a cliff.

Ted, the foreman of "The Diamond S. Ranch" is in love with Dora, Dad's daughter. Tafe is the leader of a band of desperate characters that have been terrifying the neighborhood for some time. He sees Dora and immediately decides to try and make an impression upon her.

Texas Pete, a gun-man, is "extra" bad when in liquor. This, however, does not terrify the ranch foreman, who discharges him for drunkenness. Pete laces on his hardware and lurches off, with the intention of shooting up the town where he pumped in his original trouble.

Bud Harris, a young miner with a reputation for courage, goes prospecting in the desert with Tom Jones in an attempt to locate a turquoise mine. Their water gives out and their horses die on the way. Bud thinks that Tom has water in his canteen and strikes him down.

The marshal is compelled to arrest his brother-in-law for accidentally shooting a Mexican. His wife pleads for his release, but it is ineffectual. When he is asleep, she takes the calaboose keys from his pocket, but finds that the prisoner has been helped out by a "half-breed.". The marshal is awakened by her return and discovers that his keys are gone.

A pair of precious loafers in a mining town learn from one of their "kidney" that Dick Mackey's partner, Bill Bryson, has died and that his gold dust is cached in Dick's cabin. They get sober and conclude to rob Mackey, but find that he is too quick on "the draw," and give it up.

It was a time when men thought quick and shot quick, self-preservation being Nature's first law. The stage-coach, having the precious freight of two fair girls and much of Uncle Sam's mail, goes through on schedule time, despite the fact that a band of outlaws leagued to rapture the mail coach.

Alice Marson, an eastern young lady, becomes engaged to Glen Arnold, a young man just out of college. Girl-like, she rushes to her friend, Lucy Starr, and tells of the engagement. Lucy, who also had designs on Glen, congratulates Alice, but determines to break up the match.

Red Reagan, and two companions, Brooks and Mathis, lose their way while on a prospecting trip in the mountains. Fortunately they come to an Indian camp where they get food and water, and So-Jun-Wah a beauteous Indian maid, shows them the trail to the settlement.

An express rider is wrongly suspected of theft. When he is sentenced to imprisonment, friends help him to escape. In the pursuit that emerges, he manages to unmask the real thief.


Among the many beautiful and exciting romances that saw birth, blossomed and grew, during the dark and foreboding days of our great Civil War period, was that of Arthur Deming, the young Confederate officer, and his Southern sweetheart, Alice Munroe.

Harry Mason, a young New Yorker of good family, tries to borrow money from his brother, Tom. One afternoon Tom collects $5,000 for his father. As it is after banking hours, Mr. Mason puts the money in his house safe. He is overseen by Harry, who breaks into the safe and steals the money.

James Hazen, one-time crook, now wealthy and reformed, is recognized on his wedding day, by a former pal, Florrie Cook, who follows the young couple to Hazen's new home in the country. Hazen has isolated himself here in the hope of finding security in complete loneliness.

Hiram Hughes, foreman on "Pop" Lynd's ranch in Bingo Gulch, has quit his job. He has had enough of "Wild Jim," who is the pest of the ranch. In despair, Pop goes to Bingo, where he places a sign on the post office, advertising for a new foreman. "Easy" Thompson, the star performer of the "Circle Bar Ranch" show, has had enough of circus life and resigns his job.

Told in Colorado is a short, silent thriller

The Texas Rangers, led by Tom Wilson, are hot on the trail of the Mexican bootleggers, who have been smuggling whiskey into American territory and supplying it to the Indians.

Sam Long leaves his invalid wife to seek work in a neighboring town. He is unsuccessful in his quest and being penniless, and his wife in need of food and medicine, he steals a wallet of money from Dr. Lane. While returning home he loses the wallet on the road. It is found by some of the boys, who return it to the doctor.