William Eugene

Edgar (Edgar Kennedy) gets a call from the studio to come in and direct the last scene of a film in production. But, before he can leave the house, his wife Florence (Florence Lake) and her Mother (Dot Farley) make him dress the part with riding breeches, a beret, an ascot, a crop and riding boots, and this rig is met with much derision by both cast and crew when he arrives at the studio. Carol (Jean Fontaine), the star of the movie doesn't want Edgar as the director and makes things difficult for him, especially after she hears the producer (Nat Carr) tell him he is limited to making no more than two shots on any scene. Meanwhile, Florence, Mother and Brother (Billy Eugene)decide to drop in on the set and watch Edgar at work. Because of his relatives or Carol, Edgar is forced to shoot the same scene over and over.


Florence wants to recapture the romance in her marriage and talks a reluctant Edgar into redonning his navy uniform and serenading her.


In this comedy of frustration, the fates conspire against gun salesman Edgar Kennedy, and he cannot find peace on the Pullman train he is traveling on.


1933 film short

Edgar's mother-in-law claims that Edgar can't fish. Edgar is determined to prove her wrong.


In order to capture a murderer, a reporter has his obnoxious brother-in-law confess to the crime.

Eddie Quillan stars in this 1931 comedy as a hapless hotel clerk who tries to impress his sweetheart (Maureen O'Sullivan) with a series of money-making schemes.


'Big Boy' Morgan and his friend, invalid Charlie Grey, must overcome the efforts of the villainous Holdbrook to foreclose on the Los Rosas ranch and make off with the beautiful Nora Shea.


After obtaining a divorce from his second wife Emily, Roy Tappan marries Dora Carson, who has just divorced her husband. Left poor with two children, Emily marries Walter Heath, a former suitor, then discovers that she cannot live with her new husband because the divorce is not legal in her home state. Tappan and his new wife soon run out of money, each having thought the other was wealthy. His aunt promises to support him in exchange for his two children. He kidnaps the children and hides them from Emily in his aunt's home. After Emily and Walter find them, they go to Yellowstone Park, where they are considered legally married. Tappan follows and is killed after a fight with Walter when a boiling geyser throws him into the air and throws him onto the rocks below.