William R. Dunn

Englishmen fighting Nazis in Africa discover an exotic mystery woman living among the natives and enlist her aid in overcoming the Germans.


When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.


A white youth who is raised in the jungle by the animals is captured by a safari and brought back to civilization as an attraction in a circus.


A rodeo rider arrives in Toptown to compete in the local rodeo. He meets a pretty young girl who, with her crippled father, runs a merry-go-round for the town's children. The town bully, who has designs on the young girl, tries to drive off the cowboy but is beaten senseless in the resulting fight. Soon afterwards, however, the girl's father is found shot, and the cowboy is arrested for the crime.

Lupin is the lover of Joan of the Apaches. She is attracted by Paul de Gafilet, nobleman and sculptor. She visits him in his studio and resolves to abandon her underworld career for his sake. Lupin vows revenge but is frustrated by Joan. The latter's affection for Paul turns to rage when she sees him embracing another woman. Joan joins with her confederates to steal some jewels from a statue of the Madonna in a church. She learns that the woman she is jealous of is Paul's sister, attempts to halt the robbery but fails. Paul is injured by the thieves and Joan held captive.

Jack Duncan returns from the war in France to his wife and baby and learns that his job as a draftsman at the Loring Steel Mills has been taken. Given work in the machine shop, Jack becomes the prey of Red agitators who want him because of his popularity with soldiers. The Reds cause Jack's discharge just when his house payments come due, and when they convince him of the injustice of his situation, he joins their ranks. After learning of plans to burn the factory and Loring's home, and start a riot in the town, Jack is won over by a socialist's arguments advocating mild reforms. At a meeting of workingmen, Jack praises Americanism. He warns Loring and, with soldiers at a nearby camp, quells the riot. After a woman agitator kills her comrades and then shoots herself, Jack arrives home to save his wife from an attack by a Red ringleader. Jack is then made a foreman at the mill.

When Deputy US Marshal Frank Dalton is killed in the line of duty, his brothers Bob and Grat are appointed to replace him. However, when they discover corruption in the higher echelons of the Marshals Service, they resign in disgust. Grat is cheated by a crooked gambler and takes back his money at gunpoint, but that winds up getting them labeled as robbers. Grat is wrongly accused of train robbery and imprisoned. When he breaks out of prison he and his brother decide to take their revenge by actually robbing the express company that falsely accused him in the first place.

Prior to the declaration of World War I, dancer Varda Deering was a member of the Austrian secret service, but later became a loyal citizen of the United States. In America, she captivates many men but cares for none of them until she meets Lieutenant John Long. At first, he regards Varda as little more than a social butterfly, but gradually comes to recognize her goodness and falls in love with her. While John is away on a war-related diplomatic mission, Varda agrees to aid the U.S. Secret Service in procuring classified documents from August Von Grossman, an agent whom she had known in Austria.

The Secret Kingdom is a 1917 silent action movie serial.

After Baron Alexis swindles the people of Bellaria out of rich mining lands, King Vladimir, who is told by his counselor Kronski that Alexis bought the land in good faith, sends Prince Niclos to America to negotiate a loan on the king's collateral so that the land can be bought and given back to the people.

This silent film presents drama to prevent a train from falling from a damaged railroad bridge.


Jimmy and the Deacon are rivals for the rich widow's hand, and the Deacon with his little Flivver has so far won out.

At the outbreak of the Civil War in the United States, the six sons of widow Beecham enlist. The seventh son is very anxious to join the army and fight for his country, but his brothers insist upon his remaining home with his mother.


This domestic comedy depicts a woman who stops her husband's gambling habit by having her cousin stage a fake police raid on the weekly poker game.


On account of his extravagance and dissipation, Col. Ryder disowns his son and casts him off. Guy, resolved to redeem himself, joins an Indian regiment as a private, and leaves England.


Romantic comedy about an overprotective father who locks up his daughters in order to 'protect' them from their two cowboy friends. The friends call in the help from a widow who knows Johan, in the hope she can mollify him. She can, and additionally steals his heart, so in the end there are three happy couples.


Young Billy Burns is in love with Irene Brander, to whose father he is private secretary. Irene returns his affection, but is very much afraid that her father will force her to marry Bert Austin, a young society and club man of his choice. Billy, seeing that this is imminent, goes boldly to Irene's house and asks her father for her hand.

A husband, thinking his wife is unfaithful to her, has a confrontational scene with her, which causes her to have a heart attack and die. He sends his son away until, after a dozen years, he discovers she was true; whereupon he summons his son and, after a bit, they reconcile at her grave.


Henry Talbot, the son of the president of the V.C.A.R.R., desiring to get a more comprehensive knowledge of the railroad, accepts a position as engineer on his father's road. Alma Randall, the niece of Stephen Bradish, general manager of the railroad, is reluctant in recognizing him in his position and he in turn makes it very unpleasant for her, so much so that she leaves his home. Going to the railroad station, she enters the cab of the engine driven by her sweetheart and there tells him her story. In the meantime Bradish, missing the girl and learning that she is on the express, orders a special, which overtakes the train driven by Talbot. Bradish is informed by the conductor that Alma is not aboard. At a reception given by her friends in honor of Alma's birthday, Henry is invited. As a surprise Henry's father and Bradish are also present. Bradish assumes the authoritative with Alma.


Jim, the mate of the ship "John M.," is in love with Mandy, the daughter of Captain Dale. Before she leaves for boarding school, she hurries to the ship to say good-bye to it, her father and Jim. Six years have now passed, and Mandy has grown to a big and handsome girl. As Captain Dale is going to make another trip, Mandy asks him if she cannot go along. Mandy's school chum's brother wishes to go also, and the Captain gives his consent. Jim grows a little jealous at the young man's presence on board.

VANITY FAIR (1911-USA) Short Drama, Silent film with John Bunny and directed by Charles Kent. This classic story of Becky Sharp starring one of the first real screen stars. Telling the traditional story, this early classic movie features one of the first real movie screen stars.
