William Raynor

Lieutenant Rip Crandall is hoodwinked into taking command of the "Wackiest Ship in the Navy" - a real garbage scow with a crew of misfits who don't know a jib from a jigger. What none of them knows, including Crandall, is that this ship has a very important top-secret mission to complete in waters patrolled by the Japanese fleet. Their mission will save hundreds of allied lives - if only they can get there in one piece.


A neighborhood rock band gets a job playing at a summer camp.


Ma and Pa do their bit to hook lumberman Brad Johnson up with spoiled socialite Sally Flemming. Ma teaches Sally how to behave like a hick so she'll be compatible with Brad.


A bunch of ugly, tubby, nefarious middle-aged square mobsters threaten to take over a hoppin' Lone Star state teen nightspot, so the smart and resourceful kids hold an impromptu charity rock benefit concert to raise enough bread to save their beloved hangout from the greasy gangsters' vile clutches.


A high school rock group enters a band contest.


Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.

Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.

Another of the series of "movies" created by stitching two episodes of the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series together, U. S. Marshal Wild Bill Hickok (Guy Madison) and his deputy Jingles P. Jones (Andy Devine) are working to solve the mystery of a number of gold robberies from a stage line and expose the plot of a bank manager to buy the bank with funds stolen from it. Wrapping that one up tightly in less than thirty minutes, they move on up the road to round up another gang that has been holding up Wells Fargo offices, with Jingles posing as a medicine show magician. The stitched-together TV episodes were: "The Lost Indian Mine" (2.13) (6 January 1952) and "Civilian Clothes" (3.1) (26 December 1954). - IMDB


Giant robots from Venus invade Chicago. Stranded in the deserted city are Frank and Nora (who has recently attempted suicide). They meet a celebrating couple at a café, Vicki Harris and Jim Wilson. The quartet escape the robot patrol and take refuge in a large hotel. There, they encounter a new danger in Davis, a psychopathic killer.


Atomic scientist/pilot Doug Martin is missing after his plane crashes on an reconnaissance mission after a nuclear test. Miraculously appearing unhurt at the base later, he is given sodium amethol, but authorities are skeptical of his story that he was captured by aliens determined to conquer the Earth with giant monsters and insects. Martin vows to use existing technology to destroy them.


In this north-western set in the Yukon, a Mountie must investigate the violent deaths of three mail carriers.


Canadian Mounties Corporal Rod Webb and Constable Mike Kelly, along with Rod's dog Chinook, are sent to the Blackfoot Crossing country to find a killer.


The son of the notorious female bandit Belle Starr wants to live an honest life, but finds himself getting drawn into his mother's old profession.


The story concerns the sighting of a UFO which appears to have crashed in the San Fernando Valley, after which massive interference with teleradio transmission brings FCC investigators into action. They, in turn, begin encountering reports from people of seeing what appears to be a man dressed in a bizarre outfit.


A compilation of two episodes from the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series, Border City Election and Pony Express vs. Telegraph, edited together and released as a feature film.

Two episodes from the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series edited together and released as a feature.


A low-born thief loves a Moroccan Princess. She must marry to escape death at the hands of her enemies. The groom is able to wed or cast away his bride simply by saying "I Marry You" or "I Divorce You" three times.


Two episodes of "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.


A man hires someone to murder his wife and use a legal loophole to get away with it.


Police track a serial killer.


In this Yukon adventure, a gold mining community is rocked by a murder. A Mountie investigates and encounters a female gambler. Action ensues, but justice prevails.


In this North Woods adventure, the Mounties investigate a series of payroll robberies and discover that it is an inside job.


An honest guy gets trapped into the world of horse racing and his once prosperous life becomes a downward spiral into the underworld.


Wilderness adventure starring Kirby Grant and Chinook.


A bandleader, desperate to get his band's instruments out of hock, promises the pawnshop clerk--an aspiring songwriter--that he'll let the band's female singer do the clerk's songs at a local club if he will let the band "borrow" their instruments at night. The clerk's girlfriend, however, thinks that the band singer is after more than her boyfriend's songs.


The third installment in low-budget producer Lindsley Parson's "Chinook" series, Snow Dog was ostensibly based on pulp writer James Oliver Curwood's 1915 short-story "The Tentacles of the North," which was also the working title. Kirby Grant again played Rod McDonald of the Canadian Royal Mounted, and once again the vehicle was stolen by his canine sidekick, the white malamute Chinook. This time, Rod and Chinook are tracking a mysterious white wolf, thought to have killed several of the local traders.
