Wolf Albach-Retty

While on vacation, the young, Benedictine monk Markus runs into temptation in the form of his childhood sweetheart, Linda. Linda, the daughter of Baron Danning, is about to marry the rich manufacturer’s son, Walter Bertram, to save the Danning family estate from the Baron’s debtors. But her encounter with Markus is creating doubts about the sincerity of her love for Walter. So she keeps pushing back their wedding, using as a pretext the demand, that she’ll only marry when the now-silent church organ in the village once more plays. But the organ builder Franz is in a dispute with his twin brother Joseph and has no time to fix the disused organ.


The young Monika Dahlhoff returns from the USA after two years. As soon as she arrives, she learns that her father wants to sell his traditional stud farm, because he has quarreled with the members of the equestrian club. Accordingly annoyed is the old Dahlhoff, when his daughter just fell in love with the son of his greatest enemy. In the annual "Hubertusjagd" there is a dramatic encounter between the men.


Baron Siebenzell employs the young forest ranger Thomas Sebald, to stop the bold poachers he's plagued with in his beautiful mountain forests. Most of the men in the village reject and ridicule Thomas because of his job. Nevertheless he falls in love with the mayor's daughter Maria - not knowing, that her father is the poacher's leader.


No overview found.


A 1955 German romance comedy.


A lighthearted comedy about a couple that tries to keep their struggling marriage together.


1944 German film.


The young ice skating talent, Liesl, lands a part in a new Revue at the Palast Theatre simply because she is confused with someone else. In reality, the roll was to be awarded to Lu Panther, the untalented girlfriend of the theatre's owner, Wildner. After a series of accidents and little disasters, Wildner shuts down the theatre before the Revue can take place. But the Revue's director, Ernst Eder, decides shortly thereafter to present the Revue on an ice skating rink belonging to Liesl's uncle. After a successful run, at first at the Wiener Prater, the performers move on to Spain, Hungary, and a night club with a Jazz orchestra. The Revue becomes a huge success ... and, of course, Ernst and Liesl end up together, too.


A nervous private investigator, his bumbling boss, a woman in love, 10,000 Reichsmark and two reversed cases. A crime comedy directed by E. W. Emo.


Gifted amateur dancer gets her big break on the Berlin Stage in this wartime romantic comedy.


The young emperor Joseph II of Austria and Hungary is not interested in romance and marriage, and every time his mother makes arrangements for him to meet eligible young ladies, he escapes under some pretense. This time he is off on a 'tour of inspection' with his trusted friend von Kleber. Things become complicated when von Kleber, pretending to be the emperor so as to protect the real Joseph from discovery, falls in love with Christine, the landlady of their lodgings. And when Christine later writes to the emperor, her letter is read by the mother of the real emperor, as keen as ever to see him getting married, and so the lady is invited to the imperial court.


There’s excitement in St. Johann, when the lawyer and notary Dr. Junhnickel from Vienna arrives and brings an offer from a mysterious Brazillian: On the cover of a magazine is a young girl, obviously from the country, and in the background is the village landscape of St. Johann. The Brazilian has fallen in love with the picture and wants to marry the girl. In return for finding her, the village will receive a donation of RM 5,000. Oh boy! The mayor, the shoemaker and the district clerk go off on the search for the girl! They have absolutely no luck in the photo shop, because the photographer is boiling over what he considers unfair intentions and tells them to take a hike. Nevertheless, they find the girl’s address. The model, Christl Wallner is no country girl but rather a ballet dancer, who posed for the photo to earn a litle extra money.

Vienna is celebrating New Year’s Eve 1913/14. It is the year, which will see the outbreak of the First World War. In Hotel Sacher, the mood is excellent; and although the political atmosphere is charged, there’s an undercurrent of hate and intolerance in the air. It is with this background that Nadja, a Russian spy, meets the Austrian civil servant Stefan. He loves her, but comes under suspicion of being an agent because of this love.


In the eve of the war between Vienna and Berlin playing dear comedy with then popular occupation: The mother wants to marry her daughter to the lord of the manor, but the daughter prefers the elegant hoteliers.

The seamstresses Franzi and Mizzi have opened up a small shop in a suburb of Vienna. Mizzi is of the opinion, however, that her friend could have a much better life if only she'd marry Karl, the son of the landlord, who has been hot for her for quite a while now. Next store to them lives a rather elegant gentleman, whom Mizzi does not like. One day, an excited woman bursts into the studio, tears off her clothes and begs the girls to act as if they're fitting her for a dress should her husband waltz on in, too. In fact, her jealous husband Stefan does show up and is thrilled to discover that his Gerda isn't cheating on him. But Mizzi and Franzi are positive, that she's been meeting a certain elegant gentleman next door.


1938 German film.

A girl sneaks onto a ship and is discovered midseas.


The happiest one should be selected from 500 married couples to move a marriage-hostile American millionnaire's daughter to the marriage. - Shallow and turbulent love banter with some tumultuous and funny climaxes.


The wintry mountainscapes of Bavaria provide the backdrop for this airy German comedy. The story is set in motion when young clerk Boenecke (Richard Romanowsky) accidentally delivers a check to the wrong bank. Boenecke's boss Schumann (Walter Steinbeck) suspects the clerk of embezzlement -- especially since our hero has taken off on an extended Alpine vacation with his sweetheart Hilde (Magda Schneider). Before this comic chain reaction can be straightened out, hero and heroine have become entangled with a gang of female pickpockets. Essentially a "moonlight and strudel" confection, Winterachtstraum was perfect escapist entertainment for Magda Schneider's legions of fans.


A journalist travelling by train to Vienna meets an American millionairess travelling incognito. They become friends and decide it'd be fun to swap places for awhile.

This Hungarian musical comedy (English title: Spring Parade) was produced by Joseph Pasternak, who later remade the picture in Hollywood as a Deanna Durbin vehicle. The original 1934 version stars Franciska Gaal as a Hungarian serving girl who heads to Vienna to visit a relative. Stopping over at an outdoor carnival, Gaal is told by a fortune teller that she will enjoy a happy marriage with a handsome and wealthy stranger. Later on, she finds herself at a fancy dress ball, where a good-looking aristocrat, assuming that our heroine is a countess masquerading as a peasant, falls in love with her. Delighted that the fortune-teller's prophecy seems to be coming true, Gaal finds herself in a dilemma when she falls in love with poverty-stricken soldier Wolf Albach Retty. But things turn out OK when Retty, the regimental drummer, composes a hit song which brings him fame and fortune, thereby neatly fulfilling that prophecy.


A 1934 film directed by Heinz Hille.

A romantic comedy.


In 1812, during the French period, large parts of Germany are occupied by the troops of Napoleon. Several paramilitary Freikorps units battle the French forces, among them the Black Brunswickers led by the 'Black Duke' Frederick William of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. After the War of the Fifth Coalition, the Black Hussars are pursued by Napoleon throughout the country, but frequently take refuge with the noble-minded German people.


A 35 mm non-access print is held by Filmarchiv Austria.

This film is held in the collections of Filmarchiv Austria.